Letter on Missing Road Traffic Sign

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Letter on Missing Road Traffic Sign

Letter 1: Request to install missing road traffic sign boards and thermoplastic bar markings at median opening locations.

About Letter on missing road traffic sign:

The letter pertains to the missing road traffic sign. It is a simple draft format of subject matter. Independent engineer can use this format to write concessionaire or contractor. To inform about the missing road traffic signage and thermoplastic bar markings. Those are identifying during the joint site inspection with inspector of police.


Request that, the concessionaire for provide or install the essential missing road signs. And, thermoplastic bars for the project highway.

Letter on road traffic sign


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Requesting for Installation of missing road traffic sign boards at isolated locations. And thermoplastic bar markings at median opening locations (Reg.)

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above subject, it is bring to your knowledge that. We have met and discussed with the Circle Inspector, xx station (law and order) on xx.xx.xx. The discussion is about the safety requirements in xx police station jurisdiction from Km. 000.000 to Km. 10.000. Additionally, we visited the site together with the inspector. Our observations are as follows:

Site inspection findings

We have identified several missing sign boards at median opening locations. We kindly request that you to provide the essential sign boards. And, prioritizing the installation of missing sign boards above all else. We have attached the list of missing sign boards along with locations. The same is herewith attached and marked as Annexure-A, for your quick reference.

Suggestion by the inspector of police

The inspector has requested that, to provide thermoplastic bar markings at major junctions. It is requested due to the occurrence of frequent accidents at these locations. On contrary of reduce the speed of vehicles for the safety of highway users as a traffic-calming measure.

We have noticed that, the blinkers on the vertical poles are ineffective. The inspector has suggested providing a cantilever type. Road users will slow down due to clear signals of cantilever-type blinkers at Km. 02.250 (A-village), Km. 5.700 (B-village), and Km. 9.100 (C-village).

 As per CA the following are your contractual obligations.

  • Section- 13, which deals with safety during the project execution phase.
  • And, Section- 18, which deals the safety during operation and maintenance phase. Include ensuring the complete safety of both the construction staff and road users. During the entire concession period both the construction phase, operation and maintenance phase.
  • Additionally, as per Clause 17, you are liable to ensure the complete safety of road users.
  • Further, you must adhere to the safety measures as per Schedule S of Concession agreement.
  • Furthermore, Schedule L does not cover a situation that arises at a specific site. Such conditions require a thorough study or investigation to find a solution. The investigation is in consultation with the independent consultant.

Letter on missing road traffic sign: conclusion

Based on the above paragraph 5, you are notifying under clause 19.2 defect notices and rectification. It is to abide with the terms of the agreement and put up the missing signs and road markings. Signage must in line with the most recent revisions of the IRC: 67 (code of practice for road signs). And, application of road markings as per IRC: 35 (code of practice for road markings).

Thanking you while ensuring you our best services.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 2: Request or instruct for necessary actions implementation on Deficit, shortfall, and inadequate traffic signage on project Highway. 

About Letter on provision of deficit, shortfall road traffic sign

  • This is a sample draft letter format of subject matter. The letter outlines the deficiencies or inadequacies in road traffic signs. Which are necessary for implementation on the project highway.
  • The letter purpose is to instruct and seeking the actions in the aim of enhancing road user safety.  This letter can use to notify the contractor or concessionaire for necessary action.
  • The actions must be as per the contractual provisions of the concession agreement. And, obligations of the concessionaire during the operation phase of the project highway.

Letter on Inadequate Road Traffic Sign

Image showing the location of Inadequate road traffic signage


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Implementation of deficit, shortfall, or inadequate traffic signage on the project highway (Reg.).

Dear Sir,

As per Schedule C of CA the contractual obligations of the concessionaire are as follows

  • The concessionaire must review the proposed facilities at regular intervals of five years.
  • As a result, provide more facilities with the independent consultant’s approval.
  • The aim is to meet the needs of road users until the conclusion of the concession period.

As a result, the concessionaire and independent engineer representatives carried out an inspection. Review the status of traffic signage on the project highway. And, taking into account the site requirements of signage’s as per relevant IRC codes.

Additionally, a detailed statement of signage’s prepared. which outlines the following 

  • The existing signage at the site,
  • Identifies any missing signage, and
  • Outlines the signage that requires installation.

The statement mark as Annexure-A, contains the current requirements for the site.

Under the contractual obligations above you are notify herewith for implementation of signages. Please focus on providing the missing sign board for the convenience of road users. This is for ensuring the comfortable, safe, and efficient operation upon the project highway. It is note that, the implementation of missing sign is as per the report identifies. And, prioritize to improve adherence to traffic regulations.

Thus, road users receive guidance, warnings, and regulatory information. Please submit your compliance report, by 15.June.2024.

The list of shortfalls of signage identified on the project highway is as follows

  • With reference to the project highway current user and safety requirements
  • And, latest revisions of IRC, MoRT&H specifications.

 It is to ensure that, this list is not exhaustive. And it is subject to changes according to upcoming project site requirements.

Thanking you while ensuring you our best services.

[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 3: Providing Informatory Sign Boards for XXXX Village-Reg.

About the request to provide informatory sign boards showing the village name.

  • This is a sample draft letter format about subject matter. Independent engineer use this format to notify the concessionaire. The notice is to providing informative sign boards showing the village name.
  • The purpose of this letter is to notice the concessionaire for the installation of village name sign board. These guide the road user about the information of village.


The Concessionaire,

[Insert the name of the concessionaire].

Subject: Providing informative sign boards for XXXX Village-Reg.

Dear Sir,

During the regular site inspection, identified the absence of village name sign boards. The village is locating between Km. 5+000 and Km. 6+100 on both sides of the Project Highway. Yet, there is no provision for a direction sign board to assist the local public.

It is that, Provision of respective signage to the site conditions of the project highway is a norm. And, it is the concessionaire responsibility or obligations as per CA. To install the XXXX village direction sign board on both sides of the project highway.

Thanking you while ensuring you our best services.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

Letter on Missing Road Traffic Signs, Provision of informatory sign: Note to Visitor 

Kindly note that the above mention contractual conditions are serve as example. These contractual conditions originate from the concession agreement of the BOT (annuity) project. And, DBFOT project, which operates under the PPP mode.

It is make sure that required changes to the current contractual terms. Write a letter that aligns with the concession agreement for the particular project.

Also, read various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

You can also read various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

Thanking you while assuring you our best services.

Letter on Missing Road Traffic Signs: Related FAQs

What is the code for Road Traffic sign or signage?

IRC: 67 code of practice for road signs

What is deficit, short fall of traffic signage?

• The signage’s which is not full filling the road traffic conditions by lack of quantity.
• And, not with stand to guide and warn the road user by its inappropriate position and placement.

Why the Traffic signages are modify time to time?

1. Because of changes in road features and facilities.
2. Due to Ribbon development on beside the road
3. Revision of Codal provisions.
4. Nature of accident occur and Warrants of the demand
5. Create Safe and uninterrupted movement on highway to the current requirement.
6. And, to meet the needs of road users

Who is responsible for repair or replacement of the damaged Traffic signage’s on project highway?

The Concessionaire has the obligation to maintain the traffic signages in working and legible manner during the entire concession period of the project as per provisions of CA.

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