Highway Site Inspection Report

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Highway Site Inspection Report

An Overview of the Highway Site Inspection Report

  1. As per Article 19, Clause 19.2 of the CA: Inspection: Detailing a monthly site inspection by an independent engineer.
  2. At least once a month, the independent engineer has to inspect the project highway.
  3. The engineer’s observations are marked as an “O&M Review Report.” And delivered to the concessionaire for necessary action and compliance.
  4. This report should provide a detailed account of all observations made during the inspection.
  5. The inspection observations, in particular, refer to the following:
  • Maintenance requirements,
  • Maintenance manual,
  • Maintenance programs and safety requirements.

The Authority and the concessionaire will receive a copy of this report within a period of seven (seven) days following the inspection.

Highway Site Inspection Report

Highway Site Inspection Report letter to concessionaire

The letter refers to the Highway Site Inspection Report, which is the outcome of the site inspection.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Highway Site Inspection Report-Reg…

Dear Sir,

We made the following observations on May 1, 2024, during a joint site inspection visit.

Observations on regular maintenance activities

  1. The removal and clearing of rank vegetation on median and embankment slopes in the entire project corridor is not up to par. It required a larger labor task force to tackle this issue.
  2. Median maintenance is subpar and needs more workers to meet standards.
  3. Median maintenance is very poor. Cleaning the median, trimming plants, watering, etc. are not up to standard at many locations. The median plant density does not conform to standard norms.
  4. At many median opening locations, object-hazard marker signs were missing.
  5. We discovered several unauthorized access points to the Project Highway.
  6. We observed unauthorized median breaks at many locations after the closure. We found that incident management was weak.
  7. The earthen shoulders at many locations have developed rain cuts during the past week’s rains. which need immediate repair. Must give priority to this.
  8. Also, at all VUP and ROB approaches, shrubs have grown next to metal beam crash barriers. We found that concessionaires are not taking any proactive measures to remove them. In routine maintenance work, a casual approach is evident.
  9. Water filling is not a regular practice at any bus shelter in Kiosk. This needs improvement.
  10. For truck laybys and toilets, regular cleaning is necessary.
  11. Bus shelters should undergo routine cleaning.
  12. Cleaning the area around the Toll Plaza is a routine activity.
  13. Street lights near built-up areas and junctions should be in working condition.
  14. To improve night vision, the W-beam crash barrier will have retro-reflective stickers applied.
  15. Regular cleaning of the paved shoulder quarry dust is required.
  16. The VMS at Km. 15+000 LHS and Km. 20+000 RHS are not working or functioning. This needs to be addressed immediately.
  17. Private property owners have taken unauthorized access to the highway at many locations. The police or local government should take immediate pro-active action to remove the unauthorized access.
  18. All unauthorized median cuts are to be sealed immediately.
  19. Affix the retro-reflective stickers on the guard posts for improved night vision.
  20. Additionally, we found that the highway landscape needed maintenance. The highway landscape receives no attention.

Observations about the Incident Management System

  1. The incident management system is not functioning properly. It needs to initiate, coordinate, and maintain an incident management system (IMS). Additionally, it is necessary to regularly provide incident statistics to the client.
  2. Incident management consists of a set of coordinated activities initiated by the concessionaire. The concessionaire has not provided any figures yet. The concessionaire aims to mitigate the effects of an incident and efficiently restore normal capacity and safety levels to all affected road facilities.
  3. To see that the two CCTV cameras at Km. 12+500 and Km. 25+000 functional.

Observations on Highway Traffic Management System

  1. We found that the Highway Traffic Management System was not functioning properly.
  2. We discovered that several ECBs for road users were non-functional. VMS was not operational.
  3. Also, the patrolling system did not function properly. We found three dead animals lying on the highway. which is not attending.


Therefore, we recommend immediately increasing the supervisory and labor task force to improve routine maintenance activities.

You are requested to give priority to resolving or attending to the above-cited observations. Please include the compliance report in your O&M report as soon as possible.

Furthermore, XX-XX-XXXX will be the subject of the next joint inspection. We expect significant progress at that time.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].

Note to Visitor

Also, read the Letter of Intimation for Joint Site Inspection. in routine contractual letter in O&M

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

Highway Site Inspection Report-related FAQs

What are the items to inspect in the operation and maintenance project?

All the project components of
Shoulder and Slope
Roadside/Median/Chute Drain
Culverts (Box/Slab/Hume Pipe)
Median and Roadside
Median and Roadside Plantations
Toll Plaza/Administrative Camp
Trauma Care and Rest Area
Truck lay bay and bus bay
Road Boundary Pillars

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