Advertisement Hoardings on Highway

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Installation of Advertisement Hoardings on Highway

This content is about getting permission to install advertisement hoardings on highways. It involves communication between the parties involved, namely the applicant, the authority, and the IE. The letters and details contain the following information:

  1. The applicant has submitted a letter requesting permission for the installation of advertisement hoardings on highways. The letter lists the board size and where they’ll be in place on the project highway.
  2. The Independent Engineer provides observations and comments on the applicant’s representation.
  3. The request to install advertisement hoardings on highways is studied according to the terms of CA.
  4. The important points of CA are also outlined.
  5. The effect on highway traffic operations and the safety of road users is discussed.
  6. Finally, we present the IE’s opinion in accordance with the CA’s provisions.

Advertisement Hoardings on Highway Letter 1:

Requesting Permission for the Installation of Advertisement Boards on Project Highway.

The following is a sample draft letter format in which the applicant writes to the highway authority requesting permission for the installation of advertisement boards on the project highway.

Advertisement Hoardings on Highway


The Highway Authority,

Subject: Request for Permission to Install Advertisement Boards on Project Highway.

Dear Sir,

We, M/s. XXXX Solutions, primarily work as an advertising agency. We publish the ads of our clients in specific locations as requested by our clients, subject to collecting the necessary fees and charges on a timely basis. We are requesting permission to install advertisement boards at the following locations on the project highway: We will be ready to pay the necessary fee as notified by you.

  1. Board No. 1: At Km. 12+700 LHS on shoulder.
  2. Board No. 2: At km. 12, near the Electrical Sub Station.
  3. Board No. 3: At Km. 18 LHS on shoulder.
  4. Board No. 4: At Km. 19 LHS on shoulder.
  5. Board No. 5: At Km. 21 LHS on shoulder.

Thanking you.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

Advertisement Hoardings on Highway Letter 2:

Report and Recommendations on the Installation of Advertisement Boards.

The following is a sample draft letter format that outlines the report and recommendations of the independent engineer in response to the applicant’s request for permission to install advertisement boards on the project highway.


The Highway Authority,

Subject: Report and Recommendations for Installation of Advertisement Boards on Project Highway.

Dear Sir,

In reference to the above subject and reference cited 1 above, an independent engineer was requested to examine the proposal of M/s XXXX Solutions for the installation of advertisement boards on the project highway and submit a detailed report along with the recommendations.

The applicant is requesting permission to install 20-foot-by-10-foot-sized boards and hoardings at the following locations:

  1. Board No. 1: At Km. 12+700 LHS on shoulder.
  2. Board No. 2: At km. 12 near Electrical Sub Station.
  3. Board No. 3: At Km. 18 LHS on shoulder.
  4. Board No. 4: At Km. 19 LHS on shoulder.
  5. Board No. 5: At Km. 21 LHS on shoulder.

After the review and scrutiny of the applicant’s proposal, the following are our comments and observations:

As per the concession agreement

As per CA Article 17 clause 7.15 guidelines, which form the basis for advertising on the project site hereunder for information purposes, the gist is as follows:

  • Commercial advertisements cannot run on a highway, except in areas where the highway is stagnant.
  • It also stipulates that the opinion of the highway authority, regarding distraction to the user and violations outside the guidelines of the highway authority, shall be procured beforehand for erection.


The case request pertains to advertising on the project highway to attract the attention of road users. As requested in the said representation, the fixing of advertising boards on the highway ROW may obstruct and distract the road users, which affects road traffic safety.

According to the above-stipulated guidelines of the concession agreement and possible effects on road safety, the installation of advertisement boards on the project highway is not recommended due to safety concerns. 

We are thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

Advertisement Hoardings on Highway Letter 3:

Request for permission to put up a hoarding of factories on Project Highway.

The following is a sample draft letter format for an applicant requesting permission from the Highway Authority to erect an information hoarding at a manufacturing factory on a project highway.


The Highway Authority,

Subject: Request for Permission to Display Information about Factory Highways

Dear Sir,

We would like to bring to your kind notice the fact that we are presently operating a manufacturing unit at Sy No. XX, XXX village. We would like to put up a sign board measuring 8 by 12 feet near Highway Road in the land of Highway.

We request your permission for the sign board.

Thanking you.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].

Advertisement Hoardings on Highway Letter 4:

IE Ground observations and comments.

The following is a sample draft letter format for the report and recommendations of the independent engineer upon the applicant request, i.e., permission to put up an information hoarding about factory Highway.


The Highway Authority,

Subject: Representation for the Sign Board. Ground observation and comments.

Dear Sir,

This has reference to the above subject and reference cited 1 above, wherein the request of M/s XXXX Solutions for permission to put up a sign board on Project Highway was sent to IE for action upon the same.

  • After the review of the proposal of the applicant and further deliberation with the applicant on site on XX.XX.2024, the following are our comments and observations:
  • The applicant was seeking permission to install a private information sign board of size 8*12 feet at Km. 10+750 LHS adjacent to the earthen shoulder of Carriageway within ROW near XXXX Village. The sign board would provide information about his chili powder manufacturing factory, which is located at a depth of 0.5 Km from the ROW edge on LHS.

As per the concession agreement

According to CA Article 17, Clause 7.15, there are no commercial advertisements allowed on operating highways.

It could be construed that the displays shall be restricted to information that is useful to road users. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the provided information aligns with the guidelines of the Road Safety and Development Act.


From the perspective of road users, the request is unwarranted because it relates to information about a private facility that doesn’t meet any of the requirements of highway facility users, and it doesn’t need to be considered within ROW limits.

We are thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.

[Yours ] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

Note to Visitor 

Kindly be aware that the aforementioned contractual conditions serve as examples. These conditions originate from the concession agreement for the BOT (annuity) project, which operates in PPP mode. For the period 2016–2020,

Afterwards, make sure to implement the required changes to the current contractual terms. Write a letter that aligns with the concession agreement for the particular project.

Suggested to read  permission for erection of slogans DONATE BLOOD-SAVEPRECIOUS LIFE at toll gate on the project highway, in order to attract more donors who can donate blood.

Also, read about the highway lane closure procedures and traffic diversion plans on the highway 

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

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