Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings

Content Brief:

  • Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings: This content pertains to the Review observations on pedestrian underpass GAD drawings. These observations are made by the IE following the concessionaire’s submission of GAD drawings. The details and letters contain the following information:
  • PUP/CUP General arrangement drawings submission.
  • Review observations on drawings.
  • The observations, including the clarification and justification needed on the following

a. Location of the proposed PUP/CUP structure

b. Span and general arrangement

c. Reduced levels of slab and Raft

d. Numbering scheme

e. P&P cross sections and Cross sectional

f. About Wearing course, crash barrier and Backfilling of Structure.

g. Further an updated, certified design addressing the points is requested for further review.

  • Additionally, there are elements that are not consistent with the Concession Agreement (CA).
  • Finally, provide IE feedback in line with the review.

Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings

Letter on Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings case-1


The Concessionaire

Subject: Submission of PUP Design and Drawings-Regarding

Dear Sir.

With reference to your submissions, the review has heen done as per Clause 12.3 of CA and please finds our Sr Bridge Design Engineer comments

  1. Concessionaire has not complied with item 2.3 of Table 3.1 of IRC SP 47 as required by the CA.
  2. Drawings/designs are not properly signed by designer, proof checker, EPC contractor and Concessionaire.
  3. The covering letter should mention that submission by concessionaire is made under clause 12.3 of CA for review by IE

This is for your information and compliance

Letter on Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings case-2


The Concessionaire

Subject: Comments on submission of Drawings for PUP/CUP at Ch 17+350 and Ch 21+500

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned letters and subject, the submitted Drawings have been reviewed by our Sr Bridge Design Engineer and the following are the comments.

(A) General:

As per Schedule C of CA these two PUPs are to be located at chainage 17+530 and 21+200 Concessionaire has not stated any reasons for change of location. Charge of location requires authorization from the Highway Authority.

The width of structure proposed should be checked with the requirement specified at the Schedule D-Para 2- item-7.3

Concessionaire should ensure that reduced levels are final before submitting the drawings.

The drawings for the two PUP’s have the same numbering. Please use drawing numbering scheme

(B)PUP Ch.71+350:

1. Drawing No. 101

i. Note 2. The structure is designed for 3 lanes whereas the carriageway this9.25 Check conformity to section 204.3 of IRC 6-2010

ii. The left side camber is 1.134% and the right side camber is 0.668%. Verify with P&P and C/S drawings.

iii. Note 5: Wearing course 65mm BC. Is this correct?

iv. Note 8: Delete this, note and ensure that levels indicated in the drawing are FINAL for execution.

v. Section C-C Back Fil not showed correctly, Backfill should be shown in Section A-A

vi. Why crash barrier is not provided on median side

(C) PUP st Ch. 21+500:

Comments are same as (B) above except 1 (ii) that is not applicable for this PUP.

(D). Drg E-01 Sh 1/2

i. Note 6: Review and modify the note about lap length in conjunction with Note 18 of GAD Sht.1.

Conclusion: Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings

So, you are being instructed to comply the recommendations and submit the final GFC Drawings in A2 Size for our necessary certifications.

Thanking you

Note to a visitor about the Review observations on PUP GAD Drawings

It is that a few important and mandatory aspects are only discussed herewith. Kindly note that the above Review observations and comments on canal bridge drawings are considered examples. You may adopt the gist of the subject and change it to suit the current need. And before using this content in your letter  drafting, you need to ensure the specific CA Contractual conditions and other aspects, etc.

It is suggested to read article about Review comments on canal bridge drawings, Review on major bridge GAD drawings on Highway project

Also, read about the highway Review observations on MNB drawings and site Instruction letter on structure construction works. 

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

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