Highway Annual Maintenance Program

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Highway Annual Maintenance Program

About the Highway Annual Maintenance Program

The Highway Annual Maintenance Program is a schedule plan for the concessionaire. It was set by the concessionaire and reviewed for approval by the independent engineer. It’s a detailed, predetermined schedule for project maintenance. These are tied to the CA provisions.

This proposal proposes preventive, urgent, and other planned maintenance according to the standards. This is the “Mainte­nance Program.” It meets the maintenance requirements, maintenance manual, and safety requirements.

The Highway Annual Maintenance Program will contain the following:

  1. Preventive maintenance schedule;
  2. Arrangements and procedures for carrying out urgent repairs;
  3. Criteria to determine maintenance needs:
  4. Intervals and procedures for the carrying out of the inspection of all elements of the project highway;
  5. Intervals at which the concessionaire carries out periodic maintenance;
  6. Arrangements and procedures for carrying out safety-related measures;
  7. Major maintenance work intervals and the scope
  8. The following standard will guide the maintenance needs:
  9. The frequency and method of surveys of all project roads;
  10. Systems and measures for safety-related actions;

Letter 1: Submission of the highway annual maintenance program, reg.

The following is a sample draft letter format for submitting the titled subject. The submission is to the authority and an independent engineer for review and approval. These submissions are in light of the provisions of the concession agreement.

As per CA, the concessionaire must provide the highway annual program to the authority and the independent engineer. This submission is due no later than 45 (forty-five) days before the start of each accounting year during the operation period.

Highway Annual Maintenance Program


The Authority/IE/AE/PMC,

Subject: Submission of the highway annual maintenance program (Reg.

Dear sir,

We are submitting the annual maintenance program for the project highway. This submission is in line with the provisions of CA. The program also incorporates the following items in addition to those specified by CA, such as

  1. Work zone safety and incident management plans are in place. This is in accordance with the IRC SP:55 Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones and the IRC SP:84 Manual for Specifications and Standards for Four Lanings of Highways.
  2. The environmental plan for environmental monitoring.
  3. Also, rectification procedures for each defect are in line with MoRT&H and IRC specifications. The attached document, Annexure-A, contains the rectification procedures for each defect.

This is for your perusal and approval, please.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

Highway Annual Maintenance Program: Note to Visitors

Kindly be aware that the aforementioned contractual conditions serve as examples. These terms are derived from the concession agreement for the DBFOT project, which operates under the PPP mode. For the period 2020–2024.

Afterwards, make sure to implement the required changes to the current contractual terms. Write a letter that aligns with the concession agreement for the particular project.

Highway Annual Maintenance Program Template

Also, Highway Annual Maintenance Calendar Template


Annual Maintenance calender


Letter 2: Observations on Submission of Highway Annual Maintenance Program-Reg (Version-1)

  1. As per CA, within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the maintenance program, the IE shall review the same.
  2. IE should reply with feedback, looking at how well it matches the maintenance needs, the maintenance manual, and safety rules. Also, the incumbent engineer’s job includes examining the annual maintenance report.
  3. The engineer should share thoughts on this report with both the authority and the concessionaire, all within 15 days of receiving the report.
  4. For clarity, here’s a draft letter that shows how to review the highway’s annual maintenance program or plan. The concessionaire uses this for feedback and needed changes before we use it on our project highway. (The sample submission of the highway annual maintenance program by concessionaire is as above.)

The Concessionaire,

Subject: Review observations on the submission of the highway annual maintenance program—Reg.

we have thoroughly examined the annual maintenance program you have submitted. We have reviewed the program and made the following observations:

Highway annual maintenance program: review observations

    1. According to Clause 17.3 of the CA, not later than forty-five (45) days before the start of each accounting year, the concessionaire shall, in consultation with the independent consultant, prepare and provide it to the authority. (This contractual aspect is as per the CA provision of the BOT Annuity Highway Project.)
    2. The proposed program for preventive and other scheduled maintenance of the Project Highway is subject to the minimum maintenance requirements outlined in the maintenance manual and in Schedule L, which are necessary to maintain the Project Highway at all times in compliance with the specifications and standards (the “Maintenance Program”).
    3. The maintenance program should encompass the following elements, without any limitations:
      • Intervals and procedures for the carrying out of the inspection of all the project highways;
      • Adopt the following criteria to determine maintenance needs:
      • Preventive maintenance schedule;
      • Intervals at which the concessionaire or contractor shall carry out periodic maintenance;
      • Major maintenance intervals and the scope thereof
      • And Lane closure schedules for each type of maintenance (length and time)

Review observations on Annual maintenance program

The image displays the annual maintenance inspection schedule for the project highway.

Review observations on Annual maintenance program

AMP schedule-2

AMP schedule-3

Annual maintenance program schedule-4

Annual maintenance program schedule-6

AMC page-5

  1. But the annual maintenance program submission lacks a systematic and proper planning process. The program needs a fast timeline and resubmission.
  2. Also, the annual O&M plan should trickle down into quarterly and monthly tasks, listing every maintenance job.
  3. Beside, all maintenance tasks need to get done in line with the contract’s rules and within the agreed-upon timeline.


Contrary to the conditions mentioned above, the annual maintenance program requires revision.Afterward, it was resubmitted as per a sample of the typical maintenance calendar. A typical inspection schedule for a calendar month is enclosed herewith for ready reference.

Therefore, please revise the program and submit it for approval.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours ,]

[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 3: Independent Engineer Comments on Highway Annual Maintenance Program—Reg (Version-2)

The following are the independent engineer comments on the highway annual maintenance program.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Independent Engineer Comments on Highway Annual Maintenance Program—Reg.

Dear Sir,


The document we received about the maintenance program for the years 2023–24. Along with frequency and time frame schedule, got looked over. The following are IE comments:

  • The maintenance requirements criteria are adopted from Schedule K Annexure 1 of CA.
  • It is understood that the maintenance requirement criteria are collected from Schedule K Annexure 1 of CA. And the remedial action stipulations and procedures presented henceforth are to be followed.
  • It’s important to study and check out the current project’s facilities and features. And figure out if anything else is needed for safety. Any plans for this need to be added.
  • Routine inspections are planned based on early findings and what’s needed on site. And schedule long-term or thorough inspections based on the routine audit findings. This should be coordinated in accordance with the site requirements.
  • You have not yet received the program for environmental mitigation measures. As per the provisions of CA that will be put in place during the operation stage, The Environmental Management Plan of the CA should incorporate these provisions. Please verify this information in Schedule-D and Attachment-D1.
  • We have attached a time-bound program for the assessment of environmental parameters. These are at critical locations and at critical times on the project highway.
  • Report a progress status on the daily, weekly, and monthly progress of scheduled maintenance. Reporting format template preparation and customization are a must in consultation with IE.
  • Inventory and maintenance requirements are included in the yearly maintenance plan.
  • Highway incidents, feasibility, and probability events logs are maintained. Audit conducted, action taken, and report for the same. Any actions taken are listed too.
  • You need to check the maintenance plan to make sure everything is good until the next checkup. There are measures in place to check that everything’s working. Regular updates are needed too.
  • Also, maintenance activities shouldn’t mess with traffic.
  • Throughout the project, normal maintenance occurs along with road work. Local stuff, managing intersections, and managing construction time require planning.
  • You need a guide for the processes you’re going to use.
  • Safety is essential, and plans will help with that.
  • Your fixes should follow MORTH and IRC specs.
  • Before starting big maintenance jobs, you need to get approval for your detailed plans.


In light of the above, the concessionaire must modify the program and submit it for our review.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours Sincerely,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].

You can find a sample draft letter format for review observations in the maintenance manual.

Additionally, you can read various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence. 

FAQ’s on Highway Annual Maintenance Program

will update shortly

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