Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter

The following content contains various correspondences of the Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual. Such as

  • Request letter for Submission of Revised and Updated Highway Maintenance Manual by IE.

  • Submitting the Operation and Maintenance Manual to IE.

  • Contractual Provisions about the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual

  • Review observations and comments about the submission of the Operation and Maintenance Manual

  • Reminder Notice Request for submission of a modified maintenance manual. This inclusive of notified observations

What are the highway O&M manual procedures as per CA?

As per the Concession Agreement, the following procedures will be in place about the O&M Manual.

  • The exercise to prepare an operation and maintenance manual.

  • Submission of O&M Manual to Independent Engineer or Highway Authority.

  • An independent engineer has inspected it and made observations.

  • And indicates any changes or modifications suggested by the authority or engineer.

  • The next step is to put in place O&M manual acceptance procedures.

The O&M Manual’s purpose
  1. The O&M manual contains the maintenance method and maintenance program.
  2. These guide the O&M team. To undertake the project facility’s routine and periodic maintenance work.

Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter 1:

Request for Submission of the Revised and Updated Highway Maintenance Manual-Reg

The following is a sample draft letter format for the subject. This letter pertains to the highway project during the operation and maintenance phases. Using this format to write and remind the concession for O&M manual submission. To the forthcoming period or tenure of 2024–2027.

As per the provisions of the concession agreement, the O&M manual is valid for a period of 3 years. Because the earlier O&M manual submitted in 2020 for the period 2020–2023 is about to expire. The year 2024 is now approaching.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Remained the concession for submitting a revised and updated maintenance manual. According to Clause 17.3 of the Concession Agreement for the Period from 2024 to 2027-Reg


  1. Earlier submission maintenance manual dated:XX.XX.2020
  2. According to clause 17.3 of the concession agreement

Dear sir,

With regard to the above-mentioned matter and references cited. The concessionaire has submitted the O&M Manual, dated XX-XX-2020, to IE for review. The same is in force for a period of three years, i.e., from 2020 to 2023. Now, it is approaching its fourth year.

According to clause 17.3 of the CA, “The Maintenance Manual must be revised and updated. Once every three (3) years, and the provisions of clause 17.3 must apply, mutatis mutandis, to such revision.”

We are hereby informing you to submit the revised and updated maintenance manual. To follow clause 17.4 of the concession agreement for review at the earliest.

Thanking you and ensuring our best services at all times.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].

Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter 2:

Submitting the Operation and Maintenance Manual

The following is a sample draft letter format. This is used as a cover letter for submitting the O&M manual to an independent engineer or authority.


The Authority/IE/AE/PMC,

Subject: Submission of the Operation and Maintenance Manual—Reg.

Dear sir,

We are submitting the Operation & Maintenance Manual (two copies) for your review. The submission is under clause 17.3 of the concession agreement.

Contractual Provisions about the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual

Clause 17.3 of the Concession Agreement stipulates that, as follows:

Not later than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days before the scheduled four-laning or six-laning date, the concessionaire must, in consultation with the independent engineer, evolve a repair and maintenance manual for the regular and preventive upkeep of the project highway.

The authority must receive five copies of the maintenance manual, two copies must go to the independent engineer, and it must adhere to the maintenance requirements, safety requirements, and good industry practices.

Every three years, the maintenance manual will undergo revisions and updates, with the provisions of clause 17.3 still applicable.

Accordingly, we are submitting the “operation and maintenance manual” document. For review and approval by an independent engineer. It should be incorporated into the project’s highway maintenance and operation requirements.


[Insert the name of the authorized person]


Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter 3:

Review observations about the submission of the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

This is a sample draft of the subject matter. About the review observations and comments of an independent engineer on the O&M manual. Submitted by the concessionaire for the highway project.

The following observations and comments guide the user through the review concepts.

1. Checking,


3. Revising, updating, and implementing the elements is crucial.

4. The elements must be considered appropriate for the project highway’s current needs.

Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Review comments and observations on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manual. Submitted by concessionaire for adoption for the years 2024–2026.

Dear sir,

The concessionaire submitted the “Operation and Maintenance Manual” for IE’s review. Also, acceptance of the adoption of project highway maintenance and operation requirements.

The review revealed the following observations:

Review of Observations and Comments

As per clause 17.3 of the CA, the concessionaire has submitted the O&M manual. The operating and maintenance manual, with adoptions tailored to ground requirements. The manual will be in vogue for the years 2024–2026. We reviewed the submission, taking into account

  1. The modern requirements for maintaining the project highway stretch.
  2. And the sustainable serviceability requirements.
  3. In addition, the concession agreement, Schedule K, is also applicable.
  4. And Annexure-1 outlines the general conditions for the distress-triggering criteria.
  5. Apart from wear and tear, the cross items should be repaired.

  6. The repair is within the time frames established by good practices. Prepare according to the O&M manual’s schedules.

  7. Furthermore, the project stretch maneuvers are required to meet the challenging aspect.
  8. For example, providing the project facility with sustainable serviceability.
  9. Given the evolving practices and the importance of this project,

As a result, new adoptions will be made that meet modern-day requirements. The adoptions will be within the framework of CA guidelines and will be implemented.

Analysis of the Maintenance

  1. Chronic or regular maintenance activities are considered good industry practice.
  2. The project involves highway items that are prone to wear and tear during regular usage.
  3. The availability of such preparedness in the least possible time must be perennial.
  4. Also, facilities for restoration, as per industry practice.
  5. Apart from wear and tear, the cross items should be repaired within the time frames established by good practices. Prepare according to the O&M manual’s schedules.
  6. Maintaining resources throughout the concession period is necessary and warranted. Such as people, machinery, plants, and inventory. The inventories must match the requirements arising out of the stretch. A special plan for mitigating emergencies is in place. We must qualify it beforehand.
  7. The O&M manual should also present the preparation parameters. Such as available resources and inventory, etc. Along with deployment schedules, trigger parameters, and target-set time limits,
  8. Also, provide a detailed note outlining the following in the O&M manual:
  • The deployable functionaries, their jobs,
  • How much power do they have to assist with the project?
  • Any issues that arise, as well as their capacity to resolve issues that meet the trigger criteria.
  • Besides that, I marked a copy for highway authority/engineer records.

A Review of Operations

  1. Operations are primarily focused on the running carriageway. i.e.,
  2. The carriageway and earthen shoulder of both sides of the highway are intact to standards. The carriageway and earthen shoulder are available for moving traffic, complete with all necessary accessories. Also, furniture and facilities are available through good practices, aiding the moving traffic.
  3. To ensure that there are no occupations or intrusions on Highway ROW.
  4. Furthermore, there are no running traffic breaking points that force traffic to detour from the highway. Interventions need to be matched.
  5. Sustainable measures are in place with constant vigilance. And all efforts and resources made should be available and utilized to maintain them.

Observations on the Inspections

  1. The inspection SOPs and reporting procedure formats must adhere to the customized evolutions at the time. That suits this project’s requirements and achieves industry-practiced standard outcomes. We will address this issue through collaborative consultation when the situation demands it.
  2. With ample inventory, make available men’s expertise, machinery, and material resources.
  3. Also, the details of such, at periodic intervals, are to be made available for records.
  4. Moreover, as far as possible, the inspections are to be carried out on time. To ward off any misbehavior or underbehavior of highway elements.
  5. Preventive assessments of needs and restoration measures are in place. The highway’s primary elements need obligatory maintenance.

Evaluation of the Inventory

  1. Supervisors must be satisfied with maintaining an inventory of all essential components. And the availability of application expertise.
  2. To guarantee the project highway’s serviceability, safety, and operation. It is crucial that they are not compromised.
  3. To ensure that, the operations team incorporates the evolving practices of good industry standards. Thereby enhancing operational efficiency.

Review Observations of the Materials

  1. The materials required for restoration or new work on the operations front have effective working characteristics that align with industry-accepted standards. As stipulated by the respective codes and guides.
  2. One can view a copy of the tests conducted, the results obtained using the purchased materials, the processes at each level, the frequency required, and the test results that meet the standard criteria.
  3. As a result, a copy is available for records and inspection.


The operation and maintenance manuals need to be enhanced. By incorporating important aspects as notified and submitting the “operation and maintenance manual” with modifications appropriate for preserving the highway’s sustainability in its original condition, We need to expedite this process.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 3A: Observations on the submitted Operation and Maintenance Manual. Submitted by the concessionaire to adopt for the years 2024–2026-Reg.

The following is a sample draft letter format of observations on the submitted O&M manual for the years 2024–27. This is the second iteration of the before cited Letter 3.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Observations on the submitted Operation and Maintenance Manual. The request is for a resubmission that includes the notified observation-reg.

Dear Sir,

In relation to the subject, you have submitted the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Upon review, it is clear that the submission needs to incorporate the following crucial elements:

  1. Content (index) with page numbers
  2. Elaborated organizational structure. Along with the staff’s roles and responsibilities, Those who are involved in the project maintenance.
  3. Methodologies for all maintenance, including road and structural work.
  4. Grouping of defects identified. As a result of visual or detailed inspections, i.e., immediate, routine, and periodic/major defects.
  5. Inspection and Test Plan as per MoRTH specification, concession agreement, and QA-QC Manual.
  6. Checklist and Formats for All Works
  7. Plans for the removal of encroachment on ROW, which will be an obstacle for road users.
  8. About the functional requirements of the facilities. The concessionaire must review the proposed facilities at regular intervals of five years. And, provide more facilities with the necessary approval of independent consultants till the end of the concession period. (as per the agreement, Schedule C)
  9. A detailed Summary of pavement defects or distress and maintenance measures proposed.
  10. And, a monthly maintenance plan.

Please incorporate the afore-mentioned aspects and resubmit as soon as possible. Thanking you while ensuring you our best services.

[Yours ,]

[Insert the name of the authorised person].


Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual Letter 4:

Reminder Notice Request for submission of a modified maintenance manual, inclusive of notified observations-Reg.

The following is a sample draft reminder letter format. used for a request to submit a modified maintenance manual, including notified observations.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Reminder request for submission of a modified maintenance manual, including notified observations-reg

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above-referred letters. We regret to note and inform you that, till date, we have not received the revised O&M Manual. with the incorporation of notified important aspects by the independent engineer via the letter referenced 2 above.

We remind you once more to submit the updated O&M manual that includes these changes.

Thank you, and we will always provide the best service.


Dear Sir,

Please refer to our letter under reference 3A cited, wherein the IE has furnished the observations on the “Operation and Maintenance Manual” for your compliance. And resubmission of the same.

But, till date, we have not received. The said maintenance manual from your end, despite the IE’s observations.

So, once again, we are informing you to submit the same by attending the IE’s observations. Please treat this as “most urgent.”. Thanking you while ensuring you our best services.

[Yours ,]

[Insert the name of the authorised person].

Also Read:

Notice on highway signage defects,

Notice on highway surface defects,

Procedure for Borrow Area Approval and Notice on highway plantation defects

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQs related to Highway Operation and Maintenance Manual letter submission, Review Observations

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