Highway Operation and Maintenance Report

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Highway Operation and Maintenance Report

As per the concession agreement, general contractual conditions specify the following procedures:

  1. The process entails submitting an operation and maintenance status report to the IE.
  2. The independent engineer then reviews the report. He then makes observations, identifies areas for improvement, and makes suggestions before forwarding the report to the authorities.
  3. The following The content is about the highway operation and maintenance report. These include the following:
  • Sample draft cover letter format for the concessionaire’s submission.
  • Review, observations, and comments from IE.
  • Reporting requirements of the concessionaire as per CA
  • Also, related letters, i.e., submission, delay in submission, and review observations

Letter 1: Submitting the monthly Operation and Maintenance Status Report.

The following is a sample draft cover letter format for submission of the operation and maintenance report by the concessionaire to the authority. This is in accordance with the CA’s contractual provisions.

Operation and maintenance report


The Authority/IE/AE/PMC,

Subject: Submission of an Operation and Maintenance Report—Reg.

Dear Sir,

As per clause 19.1 of CA, we are submitting the “operation and maintenance status report” for the month of January 2024 for your review and records.

This is for your information and necessary action, please.

[Yours,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 2: Review observations and comments on the Operation and Maintenance Monthly Status Report.

This is a sample letter with a captioned subject. Review observations on the concessionaire’s submission and forward them to the Highway Authority.


The Highway Authority,

Subject: Review of Observations and Comments on the Operation and Maintenance Report.


  1. Concessionaire Letter No. xx, letter 1 above, is cited.
  2. Concession Agreement Letter No. xx

Dear Sir,

The IE’s task, as part of independent engineering services, is to review the concessionaire’s monthly operation and maintenance report. And give observations on these reports to both the authority and the concessionaire within a week of receiving them. The independent engineer received the concessionaire’s January 2024 Operation and Maintenance Status Report on February 5, 2024.

Operation and Maintenance Report

Hence, we’ve gone over their O&M report. Here are our observations:

A Review of Observations on Operation and Maintenance Report:

  1. It is necessary to include the following information as part of contractual data in the monthly O&M report:.
  1. Following the completion of work, the statutory auditors confirmed the highway project’s cost, which is xxx.xx cr.
  2. The financial documents define the project cost as xxx.xx cr.
  3. Additionally, the Punch List Items report a completion date of xx-xx-20x.
  1.  Monthly Traffic Report: The project operates on a BOT (Annuity) basis. The authority has designated XXXXX Infra Ltd. as a tolling agency. The tolling agency has submitted its monthly traffic report for total traffic count.
  2. The concessionaire must report monthly escrow account activities to the authority and the independent consultant. The report submission is within five days of the end of each month. The report contains a summary of the receipts and payments from the Escrow Account for the concluded month. The concessionaire has not reported monthly Escrow Account activities within 5 days of the end of December 20XX, as per CA provision. We received the account statement without any details regarding the withdrawals or appropriations of funds under Article XXV, Clause 25.2.1 of the CA.

Reporting requirements for maintenance of the Maintenance Report

  1. The concessionaire must submit his monthly operations report to the authority and independent consultant within five days of the month’s end. On the XX.XX.20XX date, we received the monthly operation report.
  2. The concessionaire will conduct an inspection of project facilities at the end of the month. The concessionaire must carry out visual, close, and thorough inspections of the corridor. This is in accordance with Schedule L’s Section 3.4. This has been handed in.
  3. Submit a maintenance report, along with an operation and maintenance status report, to the authority or the IE, as applicable. This has been handed in.
  4. If any preventive or periodic maintenance was carried out during the month, it was by XX.XX.20XX. By XX.XX.20XX. The bituminous works were finished, and incidental work is still ongoing. The concessionaire was required to complete the periodic overlay works in all respects, but he has failed to do so. Hence, by postponing the periodic maintenance beyond XX.XX.20XX, the concessionaire has clearly defaulted. Still, kerb rectification works are in progress.
  5. Were there any material modifications made to the project highway during the month that ended? No material changes were made during the reporting month.
  6. Every accident or incident occurring on the project road during the month under review, including those for which the concessionaire has already received a report., You report an accident for the month that ended and submit a cumulative accident report.
  7. Tests performed during the operation and maintenance stages, along with the defects identified on the project highway, if any, The concessionaire has reported this as “NIL.”.
  8. The concessionaire has reported the number and type of complaints received from users and others regarding the project highway and the operation’s conduct. The concessionaire has reported this as “NIL.”.
  9. Any incidents related to the emergency de-commissioning of the Project Highway during the month ended, if any. The concessionaire has reported this as “NIL.”.
  10. Incidents of lane closure on the Project Highway during the month ended, if any. The concessionaire shall provide information on the cause and timing of such lane closures. – NIL.
  11. All actual or potential departures from the O&M requirements as specified in ‘Schedule L’. The concessionaire has reported this as “NIL.”.
  12. All grounds for substantial disputes that have occurred or may reasonably be anticipated to occur. This head reports a claim summary of instances where arbitration is in progress.
  13. The proposed measures to be taken by the concessionaire to overcome such departures or to resolve such grounds for a dispute. This is not reported.
  14. Additionally, there are two types of weigh-in-motion (WIM) and static weigh bridges (SWB). The concessionaire and the tolling authority do not provide any information about the weigh-in-motion (WIM) process.
  15. Balance Construction Activities: The concessionaire is required to construct public facilities at toll plazas along the highway, such as traffic aid posts, medical aid posts, and restrooms. The concessionaire hasn’t taken any proactive measures in more than a year. The concessionaire must adhere to the procedures outlined in Clause 17 of the concession agreement. As a result, submit a cost estimate for processing the scope change.

Conclusion on Operation and Maintenance Report Review Observations

Please take note of the independent engineer’s above remarks. And instruct the concessionaire to enhance its performance under the CA terms.

Thank you, and we assure you of our best service at all times.

[Yours ,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 3: Delayed or Non-Submitted Monthly Progress Reports/Monthly Inspection Report—Reg

The following is a sample letter draft format. The Monthly Progress Reports and Monthly Inspection Reports are either delayed or not submitted.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Non-submission of the monthly progress report (Reg)

Dear sir,

According to Clause 3 of Schedule-X, Part B (Operation Phase) of the CA, the concessionaire shall provide the highway authority and the independent consultant with the monthly operations report within five days of the end of each month.

You have never submitted the operations report on time, as per Clause 3, since we took over as independent engineers for the project.

You are therefore NOTIFIED to submit the monthly operations reports to the highway authority and this office on a regular basis, as per Clause 3 of Schedule-X, Part B (operation phase) of the concession agreement.


Dear Sir,

We regret to inform you that you have not submitted the O&M monthly progress report for the month of December 20XX in time as per the time limit set forth in the CA for the submission of the O&M monthly progress report. We received the O&M monthly progress report for the month of December (20XX) on December 12th, 20XX.

Please take your contractual obligations seriously and submit the monthly progress report by the seventh of each month, without fail.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours Sincerely,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 4: Comments on the Monthly O&M Report (Reg.)

After reviewing the concessionaire’s monthly operation and maintenance report, we have created a sample draft letter format for comments.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Comments on the Monthly O&M Report-Reg

Dear sir,

We have scrutinized your submission, and our comments are as follows:

  1. The accident data you submitted is not clear and legible.
  2. Paginating is not done.
  3. The quality of the submitted report is not up to par. Some reports are not legible.
  4. Maintenance reports are vague and do not give clarity on the status of project facilities.
  5. You have not provided any information or updates about the operation of weigh-in-motion (WIM) in all truck lanes, oversized vehicle lanes, or the provision of a weigh bridge (SWB) to address the issue of vehicle overloading.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours Sincerely,] [Insert the name of the authorized person].


Operation and Maintenance Report: Note to Visitors

Kindly be aware that the aforementioned contractual conditions serve as examples. These conditions originate from the concession agreement for the BOT (annuity) project, which operates in the PPP mode. For the period 2020–2024,

Afterwards, make sure to implement the required changes to the current contractual terms. Write a letter that aligns with the concession agreement for the particular project.

Also read the report on the concessionaire’s failure to meet road maintenance obligations.

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQs related to Operation and Maintenance Report 

What are the operational and maintenance reporting requirements?

The concessionaire’s reporting requirements during the operation phase are defined in Schedule X, Part B of the concession agreement.

According to Schedule X, Part B of the concession agreement, the concessionaire should report monthly operation and maintenance reports to the independent engineer regularly during this operation phase.

What are the contractual provisions for submitting the Highway Operation and Maintenance Monthly Status Report?

As per Clause 19.1 of the CA: During the operation and maintenance period, the concessionaire shall, no later than 7 (seven) days after the close of each month, furnish to the Highway Authority and the Independent Engineer a monthly report.
These state in reasonable detail the condition of the project highway, including its compliance with or otherwise with its maintenance requirements, maintenance manual, maintenance program, and safety requirements. And shall promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by the independent engineer.

What is the purpose of using a static weigh bridge at a toll?

A static weigh bridge (SWB) addresses the problem of vehicle overloading.

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