Highway Plantation Inspection Report

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Highway Plantation Inspection Report

About the Highway Plantation Inspection Report: 

Plantations are part of the concession agreement for highway projects. The concessionaire is responsible for maintaining plantations on the highway in ROW.

The highway plantation will be under the supervision of the independent engineer’s horticulture expert. The obligation to supervise is one of the objectives of independent services.

As an obligation, the horticulture expert of an independent engineer carried out an inspection. And produced a report on the project’s highway median and Avenue plantation.

Letter 1: The Horticulture Expert carried out a Highway Plantation Inspection Report-reg.

The following are sample draft letter formats for the subject matter. This contains the Horticulture Expert Highway Plantation Inspection Report. Along with observations and comments on the project highway’s median plantation, The same is notified to the concessionaire for compliance.

Highway Plantation Inspection Report

Median plantation image


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Plantation Inspection Report carried out by Horticulture Expert of Independent Engineer. Notify the concessionaire of the action taken—Reg.

Dear sir,

During the field visit in the project corridor, gaps in the median plantation were visible. These gaps have the following primary causes:

  1. The concessionaire has not been watering the plants at regular intervals.

  2. Some parts of the stretch have not had hoeing or weeding done for a long time.

  3. Most of the basins around the plants are in a damaged state.

  4. In plantation areas, most of the stretch lacks regular clearance of rank vegetation.

  5. Most of the stretch hasn’t seen any plant manuring.

  6. Further, Bougainvillea sp. plants require stacking because the majority are not upright.

  7. It is also observed that people don’t perform the pruning and training activities.

  8. Some parts of the stretch undergo gap filling, but not in a proper manner. The number of seedlings is very small. It is preferable to plant at least 60 cm in height.

  9. Some plants dry out, forming gaps in the stretch.

  10. Near the median cuts, there has been no maintenance of the median’s beautification.

Suggestions to the Concessionaire

It is advising the concessionaire that carried out the regular inspection. And plantation activities are to be monitored as per the guidelines given. Independent engineer’s plantation monitoring records must be built up for future reference.

Observations on the Safety Front

  1. The highway traffic flow is safe and smooth. This is especially true when the road features a central median.
  2. Vehicles split off, moving in different directions. At night, the glare of vehicles’ headlights approaching each other is very dangerous to drivers.
  3. The road’s dynamic traffic conditions become less visible. Thus, the safety of the driver is at stake.
  4. Also, plant similar shrubs in a consistent planting pattern.
  5. Maintaining a ROW without a median fatality promotes homogeneity.
  6. It enhances the landscape and helps to calm the road user’s eyes. Furthermore, it helps to provide much-needed shade on hot roads during the summer. Additionally, it lessens the effects of escalating vehicle-induced noise pollution. Hence, installing a central median is very essential.

Highway Plantation Inspection Report Conclusion

Given the aforementioned conditions, ensure adequate median plantation. This ensures road users’ safety, apart from aesthetics and the environment. 

As a result, we advise you to keep proper median plantations in place to ensure adequate safety.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours ,]

[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 2: Issue or serve notice on improper maintenance of the plantation as per CA clause 19.2.

The following is a sample draft letter format for a notice on improper plantations. It was served to the concessionaire by the Independent Engineer under clause 19.2 of the CA. The notice was issued with the base reference of the Highway Plantation Inspection Report. The plantation inspection report was carried out by the horticulture expert of an independent engineer.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Plantation Inspection Report carried out by Horticulture Expert of Independent Engineer—Reg.

Dear sir,

The following are the objectives of independent engineer service reference: 

Section 2 of the CA and the Terms of Reference for IE Services listed in Schedule “O” support this claim.

 The consultant’s job during the operation and maintenance period is 

  • To review all activities related to O&M on behalf of the highway authority
  • And make sure they are in line with the requirements of the CA so the project is successful.
  • Further, as per the provision of Section 3.3, Schedule-O, SCOPE OF SERVICES Clause 3.3.7,
  • An IE is required to review and inspect the project highway at least once a month during the O&M period.
  • And issue an inspection report for such inspections. 

Pursuant to the above provisions, we have carried out inspections from xx.xx.2024 to xx.xx.2024. And the inspection is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

Now,the rainy season has started or is approaching this year. We need to take advantage of it for the Avenue and Median Plantations as much as possible. As per the provisions of CA, it is the concessionaire’s obligation to make the project highway more beautiful and environmentally friendly. 

Hence, you must address the plantation deficiency we’ve seen in recent months. During the current monsoon season, replace the missing, dead, or deceased plants.

We have enclosed herewith the status of the project’s deficient plantations. It was verified at the site and marked as Annexure-a. Under clause 19.2 of the CA, you are hereby notified to rectify the deficient plantation work. The notification defect must be cured as per the provisions and guidelines of IRC:SP:21. And submit your compliance report within the stipulated time frame.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 3: Letter to Concessionaire for Improper Functioning of Watering for Median Plantation

The following is a sample draft letter format for the subject. This format and content give a basic idea of how to warn the contractor about the subject matter. 


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Improper watering for median plantations on highways—Reg.

Dear sir,

On XX.April.2024 and XX.April.2024, a team of independent engineers inspected the project highway. During the site inspection, it was observed that watering for the median plants had stopped. Which outcomes, about 30% causality was observed in median plantations. owing to this project highway from km. 0+000 to km. 60+000.

In this regard, you are herewith instructed. To prevent further plant casualties in the median plantation. by maintaining the median plantation by deploying at least 4 NO’s of 10,000-liter water tankers.

Please take note of that. If you fail to comply with the above, you will be liable for an action as per the provisions of the concession agreement.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.

[Yours ,]

[Insert the name of the authorized person].


Letter 4: Letter to the concessionaire for the necessary action to be taken to cure the deficiency in plantations in the project corridor on a routine basis.

The content of the content of the below letter is about to issue instructions to take the necessary action. This sample draft will be used to write about plantation deficiencies.


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Regular and necessary actions need to address the deficiency in plantations.

Dear sir,

During the verification of median plants and roadside trees at the site on the project highway, we observed deficiencies or shortfalls in both median plantations and avenue plantations in the project corridor.

  • The median plantation deficiency is -9%.
  • The deficiency at Avenue Plantation is -9.5%.

We advise you to take proactive measures in this regard. You should take the necessary proactive measures to address the deficiencies in the plantations within the project corridor. And maintain median and avenue plantations in a proper “workman-like” manner. And, as per the guidelines of IRC:SP:21, Proper hoeing, weeding, trimming, and pruning of plants must be carried out on a routine basis.

This is essential for giving a pleasing and aesthetic view of the highway.

Thank you while ensuring our best services.


[Insert the name of the authorized person].

Also, read notice on highway plantation defects

Suggested to read sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQs related to Highway Plantation Inspection Report

What is the purpose of median and avenue plantations?

The highway traffic flow is safe and smooth because vehicles are split off and moving in different directions. This is especially true when the road features a central median plantation.

At night, the glare of vehicles’s headlights approaching each other is very dangerous to drivers. This can be regulated by a median plantation with dense foliage.

The road’s dynamic traffic conditions become less visible. Thus, the safety of the driver is at stake.

Maintaining a ROW without a median fatality promotes homogeneity.

It enhances the landscape and helps to calm the road user's eyes.

Furthermore, it helps to provide much-needed shade on glaringly hot roads during the summer. 

Additionally, it lessens the effects of escalating vehicle-induced noise pollution. 

What are the suggestion of Horticulture expert on Highway plantation plans and procedures?

1. Trees should be offset up to and beyond 1m back from the ultimate edge of the roadway. So that they are not a safety hazard or affect the required sight distance

2. Sight distance and road safety are of primary importance in tree planting. These should not under any circumstances be subservient to aesthetics

3. Shrubs and trees must planted clear of roadside drains and other drainage structures. So that, their root system do not interfere with efficient working of the drainage facilities

4. Preservation of natural vegetation by including these within the median area

5. Adequate space for screen planting to check headlight glare

6. Adequate planting and other landscape measures in the proximity of bridges can enhance the beauty of the area.

7. If enough level ground is available in the vicinity of the bridges. The area can be developed as a roadside rest area. So that passengers can stop there for a short time. And enjoy the beauty of the river, the bridge and the landscape.

What are the Cultural Operations of highway Plantation?

1. Hoeing-75 cm digging around the plant and depth of digging 15 cm

2. Bharao and mound to be formed to capture the water during rains

3. Weeding – Removal of weeds and grasses 1 meter all around the plant

4. Watering – each plant to be provided 25 liter of water each time through water tanker

5. Stake-length of stake should be 3 meter

6. Debarked and treated Eucalyptus stake to tied to plant with nylon thread

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