Notice on Highway Element Defects

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Notice on Highway Element Defects to concessionaire for Rectification

Notice on Highway Element Defects.

In highway projects, the following are common and sample road element defects and deficiencies:

Notice on Highway Element Defects:

Si no Defect Detail of the defect Photograph Engineer Remarks
1 Silting The box culvert’s upstream and downstream streams are heavily silted. Notice on highway element defects We have observed heavy silting on both the upstream and downstream sides of the box culvert. We advise you to remove the silt and clear the waterway. Please submit the action-taken report as soon as possible.


2 Housekeeping activities are required. The Hard and soft shoulders are fully covered with foreign material and appear most ambiguous.





We must restore these locations to their original state and establish routine cleaning activities.

3 Edge drop  



Extensive edge drops on verge of carriageway

Since the earthen element is unavailable due to construction activity on the other side, extensive edge drops on the carriageway’s verge at the junction are available for traffic needs.
4 island  




Damaged pedestrian refuge island

We need to properly construct the damaged pedestrian refuge island and install an OHM sign ahead of it at the main intersection. We ensure that the area remains uncluttered and free from any obstacles. Besides, vehicle parking shall be moved away from the junction to improve visibility.
5 Damaged MBCB  


Gaps in MBCB and unprotected ends

The damaged end of WBCB protrudes on to verges on both directions & poses a safety hazard. Such gaps shall be duly closed at earliest.
6 Damaged MBCB  


Gaps in MBCB and unprotected ends

The protruded ends of the W-beam crash barrier at structures pose a safety hazard. By connecting fishtail- or half-bullnose-shaped end terminals, or by joining or fastening the structure crash barrier, we can properly shield such gap portions at ends.
7 Damaged MBCB  


Gaps in MBCB and unprotected ends


We must prioritize the reinstatement of the missing length of MBCB on the high embankment and the curved portion at the approaches to MJB.

Also, MBCB shall be provided in continuation of the MJB parapet towards XXXXXX village to the necessary lengths of at least 30 m. In addition to proper end treatment, a hazard marker sign board shall be erected.





Sign board position





Wrong position of sign





Examine the positioning of sign boards between sets of reverse curves to eliminate the positioned sign used to delineate about the curve ahead to prevent the possibility of confusion and feasible misinterpretation created by such a sign. Chevrons and speed-clamming measures guide traffic operations at such broken back curves.

9 Delineators are lost or missing We are implementing traffic-calming measures to ensure the safety of the vulnerable elements of the median cuts. A certain number of delineators will be placed on the edge of the median kerb at the approaches to the median cuts as a way to slow down traffic and protect the vulnerable parts of the median cuts. These delineators will also let drivers know about the facility and any possible weaknesses. The issue is that many of the median cuts have delineators in a damaged state, and some locations have none at all. In addition, it is crucial to examine and consider the locations of 4–2 lane change portions during the restoration process.
10 Damaged shoulders Shoulders do not meet the performance requirement We cleared water stagnations on damaged earthen shoulders and other isolated locations, and the restoration of the deteriorated earthen shoulders required the use of rigid material. We also ensured that the earthen shoulders were hard and met the performance requirements, making them solid for serviceability. It appears time to begin similar activities in the post-monsoon stage.


Guard stones Damaged guard stones  

Do reinstate the damaged guard stones on an urgent basis and ensure the repair of such elements on the immediate occurrence of damage on the project highway, as these serve to arrest the uncontrolled vehicle veered off from high embankments and sharp and acute curves and reduce the accident impact.
12 Missing safety measures requirement of flexible barrier on structure The RCC barrier provides a necessary length of semi-rigid barrier on both the prefix and suffix to mitigate the impacts of potential collisions and prevent vehicles from leading into water bodies.
13 Damaged sign Damaged Informative signage at toll  

The toll information board was damaged, and no action has been taken since that notification. We will repair it before road users raise any complaints. Until the team corrects it, we will cover the damaged board with appropriate materials to inform road users that the team is aware of the issue and taking action. These boards are most relevant to toll players and have more possibilities for protests.
14 Scouring Severe scouring on the shoulder We observed severe scouring on the embankment adjacent to the carriageway. will be restored immediately.

Additionally, we will remove the concrete block obstacle from the pavement surface.

15 Delay in defect restoration Delay in defect restoration  

Measures need to put in place to accelerate the restoration work on island.

16 surplus construction concrete materials Requirement of Housekeeping activities The median portion requires the prompt removal of all surplus construction concrete materials. Besides that, to keep the kerb in an orderly state, the top edge inner face of the kerb on the entire carriageway level difference portion needs to be trimmed and grinded to its true size in conformity with good industry practices.


17 Damaged MBCB exposed bases of MBCB The aim is to confirm the rigidity of all high embankments. Any deviation must conform to established standards. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain the rigidity of safety elements to meet performance requirements.

The concrete foundations of the semi-rigid barrier are exposed at the high embankment of the ROB approach. Rectification is to be done.

18 street lights are not working on the Project Corridor
    1. Pursuant to Clause 4.11.1 of Schedule-L of the Concession Agreement, the concessionaire shall maintain the project highway, project facilities, and project assets in working and orderly condition at all times during the concession period or any extension thereof.
    2. Pursuant to Clause of Schedule-L, lighting wherever provided shall be maintained by the concessionaire in a condition nearly similar to the original condition.
    3. Pursuant to Clause of Schedule-L, the faults shall be repaired instantly and lighting restored. Missing and damaged items will be replaced instantly.
    4. During the site inspection held on January 10, 2024, jointly with your representative, it was observed that most of the street lights were not working on the project corridor. This is attributed to the casual approach to routine maintenance. A list of the defect locations marked as Annexure-A is forwarded herewith for your doing the needful immediately.

    You are hereby NOTIFIED pursuant to Sections 11.1,, and of Schedule L of the Concession Agreement to remedy the defects immediately and submit the compliance report for the defect rectification carried out within 3 days, failing which necessary action will be initiated as per the provisions of the Concession Agreement.


You can find various other sample defects, such as bridge structure, toll, and safety. And other associated elements of the highway project.

Also Read: Notice on highway signage defects, Notice on highway surface defects, Procedure for Borrow Area Approval and Notice on highway plantation defects

Also, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.



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