Notice on Highway Safety Defects

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Notice on Highway Safety Defects to concessionaire for Rectification

Notice on Highway Safety Defects to concessionaire for Rectification

Notice on Highway Safety Defects.

Contractual Provisions on Site Inspection and Defect Notification of Highway safety defects

Clause 19.2 of the concession agreement pertains to inspection (Article 19). Which stipulates the following

  1. At least once a month, the independent engineer will inspect the project highway.

  2. And, make an inspection of such inspection (the “O&M inspection report”).

  3. The inspection report stating in reasonable detail of the defects or deficiencies.

  4. if any (highway safety defects) with particular reference to the following

  5. maintenance requirements,

  6. maintenance manual,

  7. maintenance program,

  8. and safety requirements,

  9. The inspection report defects find outs and send a copy thereof to the Authority. Also to the concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of such inspection.

  10. The document should include the maintenance requirements, maintenance manual, and safety requirements. 

  11. And issue a notice to the concessionaire based on the defect findings of the inspection,. The notice under relevant clauses of the CA for rectification.

According to contractual conditions, the independent engineer inspects the project highway.

Notice on Highway Safety Defects:

Si no Defect Detail of the defect Photograph Engineer Remarks
1 Missing Lateral Clearance

Rigid objects next to or close to the carriageway are one of the most severe road safety defect

Missing Lateral Clearance The lateral clearance is missing. Shall barricade suitable safety provisions.
2 unscientific speed breaker on carriageway The carriageway has an unscientific speed breaker. Unscientific and harsh speed breaker The speed breaker is not in compliance with the specifications, and it lacks pavement markings. It will be restored to a speed-breaking unit that complies with IRC 99 specifications.
3 Stagnation of water on the carriageway When there is rain, water stagnation on the carriageway is observed. notice on highway safety defects All of the vent pipe gratings must be clear, and gratings must be provided at the discharge pipe’s inlet and outlet. We will take concrete action to prevent such stagnation.
4 The metal beam crash barrier is missing Certain lengths of the Metal Beam Crash Barrier were missing, lost, or damaged Highway safety defects The metal beam crash barrier’s missing length shall be reinstated or replaced on a priority basis within the time limit outlined in Annexure 1 of Schedule-K, the nature of the defect or deficiency, and the time limit for repair and rectification.
5 Obstruction in visibility of the solar blinker CC camera poles have obscured the solar blinker. Visibility defect There is an obstruction in the visibility of the solar blinker that needs to be removed.
6 Inclined electrical poles in the ROW The electrical poles lean and are inclined towards the carriageway, creating potential hazards.  unforeseen possible defect Inform the concerned parties about aligning or rectifying the inclined electric poles on the ROW to ensure a safe environment for road users on the project highway.
7 Missing Guard posts/MBCB on high embankment. The bank does not have shielding measures to keep the vehicle’s wear from the carriageway, which poses hazards. The outcrop of the curve and embankment level differ by 2–3 meters from abutting ground level.  shortage defect The curve portion requires the installation of additional proactive safety measures, such as guard stones or MBCB.
8 MBCB height is not as per the standards of IRC 119 The MBCB height is too low or not as per standards, and the ends are not connected to the RCC crash barrier. MBCB Height safety defect In accordance with IRC 119, the beam crash barrier must rise, and both ends must flush with the RCC barrier.
9 Non-usable state of the earthen shoulder Water stagnation occurs on the paved and earthen shoulders. Surface runoff and encroachments stagnate the earthen shoulders.. stagnation defect Earthen shoulders are in a non-usable state due to water stagnations and occupations at the following locations, i.e., at km. xx, at km. yy, and at km. zz. Shall such impediments and continuous remedial measures be in place at the cited location
10 occupations on the carriageway

Encroachments on Carriageway/ROW

Seating arrangements and roadside service centers occupied the carriageway while in service. Occupations on MCW SWe must push seating arrangements and roadside service centers deep into the traffic to prevent them from interfering with user traffic.
11 Missing safety measures on a narrow bridge or restricted carriageway width. The narrow bridge lacks any cautionary safety signs or elements to prevent potential collisions. Missing safety measures Place the proactive safety measures, such as hatching on the paved shoulder with raised pavement edge lines/markers and corresponding signs, ahead of the narrow bridge to prevent vehicles from colliding with the crash barrier.
The taper or nose length advanced to the narrow bridge at Km. 197 should be suitably or appropriately marked with hatch marks as stipulated in the codal provisions of IRC 35 to illustrate and caution against the reduction in paved width and carriageway upon the narrow bridge.
12 Median opening at an inappropriate location There is no solar blinker at the median gap, and the median opening is at the end portion of the high embankment. defect Here it is a vulnerable location and the median opening is at the end portion of the high embankment. The necessary actions shall be placed to shift the median opening to some extent appropriately to a planned terrain portion, and the proposed location seems to be road commuter/user-friendly and sound in terms of traffic safety. As an emergency requirement of site condition, a missing solar blinker shall be placed at the median opening.

13 The speed breakers are harsh and unscientific, lacking any markings. Speed breakers are unscientific and do not comply with IRC 99. Harsh speed breaker The project highway must modify, regulate, and paint all harsh speed breakers in accordance with IRC specifications.
14 Faded markings on rumble strips Faded markings on rumble strips pose hazards to road traffic due to a lack of guidance. image Faded marking on the rumble the Apply a fresh coat of paint to the stripes.
15 Guard posts are missing and damaged. Guard posts are missing and damaged, resulting in the loss of the retaining facility of an uncontrolled weird off the carriageway. Reinstatement of damaged guard stones is necessary. Also, ensure that such elements are repaired as soon as the project highway is damaged Notice on damaged guard stones rectification Fixing or restoring missing or damaged guard posts shall be done at the earliest, aimed at user safety.
16 Missing lateral clearance There is a collapsed religious structure adjacent to or immediate to the carriageway, lacking the necessary lateral clearance. Notice on Collapsed structure adjacent to carriageway After consulting, remove the collapsed religious structure from the right-of-way (ROW). Apply the reflective stickers to the road surface as a safety measure until you barricade it with caution tape.
17 Restricted carriageway width by protruding tree branches or obstructions on carriageway width The carriageway’s lateral and vertical clearance has been reduced. Notice on obstruction on carriageway The avenue plantation’s extended growth into the carriageway lines needs trimming. Relocate any masking signage appropriately.
18 The requirement for bridge protection measures and safety measures on structures There are no safety protection measures on the causeway on the raised embankment curve portion Notice on requirement of safety measures on bridge Safety measures aimed at enhancing the confidence of users at the safety front shall be in place on the water causeway and its approaches. The causeway exists on the curve, is raised on a localized embankment, and is vulnerable to road user’s safe It requires immediate attention. it.
19 Electric poles adjacent to the carriageway or Missing lateral clearance Physical obstructions adjacent to the carriageway within 2.1 Meters Notice on physical obstruction There is a physical obstruction (electric poles) adjacent to the carriageway. Requisite safety measures shall be in place.
20 the protruding brackets of the lighting pole in carriageway or Physical obstructions in SR Physical obstructions in the service carriageway pose a hazard to traffic. Notice on protude lighting brackets into road Protruded brackets of lighting poles in the service carriageway constitute a serious hazard to traffic flow and users. IRC 35 mandates the adequate painting of such ports for acute visibility.
21 the requirement for safety measures on the culvert or missing safety measures on structure The culvert’s unprotected ends. requirement for safety measures The unprotected cross-drainage culvert ends pose a safety risk. These shall be shielded by the provision of an OHM sign along with an appropriate length of headwall or MBCB.
22 the requirement of guiding measures or guidance measures necessitated on Safety front No guiding measures at carriageway level difference portion Requirement of safety measures Additional guiding measures, such as curb reflectors and others, must be installed in all vulnerable locations. We will prioritize addressing these issues, particularly on the carriageway where both carriageways are adjacent to each other.
23 The need for safety elements or absence safety measures There were no safety measures at the start of the diversion. Notice on requirement of safety measures at diversion Safety element losses at the diverging portion are a safety concern. It is to maintain the arrangements intact. The portion qualifies for safety precautionary measures according to IRC SP: 55 work zone safety markings & measures accordingly placed and maintained in an equivalent or higher level as warranted of running highway.
24 Faded signage





faded, discolored and non-standard dimensions of signage The shade of work zone signs that are being used for lane closures at regular maintenance activities fully faded or discolored. Besides, these signage’s are not to standard dimensions. To affix afresh at all such locations Also, ensure that the replacement is to the IRC SP55 and SP67 codal specifications for standard dimensions.
25 Missing lateral clearance Physical obstruction in lane  

Physical obstruction on toll-free lanes shall be adequately demarcated.



26 Wrong sign Wrong placement of the sign The merging sign on MCW at the start of Bypass is not in consonance with the state of existence of connecting crossroad, which leads to misinterpretation and results in conflicts. Such sign boards shall be replaced with the appropriate.
27 Missing traffic-calming measures Requirement of road reflective studs To cater to two to three rows of reflective road studs and be placed densely on LCW along with the verge of median kerb for a length of 200 m, delineators shall be placed as a traffic calming measure. This is aimed at safely guarding the movements of vulnerable elements at this location






Traffic hazard

Traffic hazards caused by unscientific safety measures on road In the vicinity the vicinity of the minor junction, hard barriers were placed in a zigzag manner. During the site inspection, it was observed that there was difficulty in the movement of light vehicles and blockage of easy left-turn movements on LCW. On the other side of the carriageway, the barrier is placed close to the egress the egress way of the fuel the fuel station, causing traffic conflicts. We do We do not know that it is forcedly placed by police enforcement; however, it is in an unscientific state, which creates a traffic hazard. Examine and modify it according to scientific and user safety conditions


Missing lateral clearance



Private hoarding adjacent to the carriageway

Advertising and display hoarding frames adjacent to the carriageway attract and distract road commuters when driving. Steps should be taken to remove that from the boundary of the right of way.


Safety measures on bridge







Requirement of permanent  bridge protection measures




Temporary safety measures put on causeways on both carriageways no longer stand to resist the crash impacts.. To replace such short-lasting measures with permanent semi-rigid barriers, in addition to the proper end treatments precedent by the object the object hazard marker sign, shall be made and the earthen shoulders restored shoulders restored to a serviceable state.
31 Missing lateral clearance Rigid object in the form of a structure a structure crash barrier adjacent to the carriageway


Errant vehicles, oversized loaded hanging vehicles are likely to suffer the consequences of a possible hit by a sudden or unforeseen object within or adjacent to the carriageway. At this location, it is also being obscured by branches of the median plantation in both directions. To see some of the evidence on the corners of the RCC wall. Do places necessitate countermeasures like the provision of a minimum length of MBCB with an object hazard marker to shield them from possible hazards.


Gap in MBCB Rigid and flexible barrier connection missing Improper overlap of portions of the metal beam crash barrier increases the severity of the accident. Such portions of the barrier act to redirect and observe the impact energy of the hitting vehicle. Such improper overlaps shall be rectified with good industry practices, ensuring that the overtopping beam is placed on the carriageway side parallel to the traffic movement during restoration.

The projected and gap portions of a MBCB at approaches to the structure are a hazard to a striking vehicle. Do close the gaps properly to prevent the wheel from dropping over the edge of the embankment, and exposed beam end treatment should be done by connection to the concrete barrier in swipe position to prevent the possible mishaps with collision unshielded faces, for which a detailed procedure with illustrations is available in IRC 119. Also, examine the site at all approaches to structures and rectify any unshielded faces of MBCB found on priority.

We will update more safety defects shortly.


You can find various other sample defects, such as bridge structure, toll, and safety. And other associated elements of the highway project.

Also Read: Notice on highway signage defects, Notice on highway surface defects, Procedure for Borrow Area Approval and Notice on highway plantation defects

Also, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

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