Pavement Specialist Inspection Report

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Pavement specialist inspection report

This text pertains to the project inspection report of a pavement specialist. It includes inspection objectives, observations, and findings. It also provides a sample draft letter for compliance notification.

Objectives of the Pavement Specialist Inspection report

The primary aim of inspection is to resolve critical issues arising on the pavement surface during the project highway’s operation and maintenance phases.

Pavement specialist inspection report letter

This is an example of a draft letter on the subject. The letter takes the form of a notice requesting compliance with the inspection findings. This notice to the concessionaire is in accordance with the concession agreement’s terms.

Pavement Specialist Project Inspection Report


The Concessionaire,

Subject: The Pavement Specialist Inspection Report—Reg.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that the Pavement Specialist has inspected the project site from January 1, 2024, to January 5, 2024. During that time, he inspected the entire project site, from km. 0+000 to km. 60+000 BHS.

Core cutting and trial pit excavations are carried out at isolated locations, where the critical pavement surface defects are reflected on the project highway.

We also discussed the quality of the materials and construction with the concerned staff of the concessionaire, independent engineer, and highway authority.

Attached are the pavement specialist inspection report and observations. The concessionaire herewith instructed us to abide by the observations in the report and submit it for further review.

Pavement specialist inspection report observations

  • During the visit to the project site, I noticed distress in the form of cracks at many locations on the left main carriageway. In addition to settling at the grade separator approaches,
  • The right main carriageway’s surface seemed to have disintegrated into fine aggregate. Ravelling was also reported.
  • The project began its commercial operations on 01.01.20xx and has been operational for over 5 years. Therefore, according to policies in Articles A and I of the CA, an order needs to be applied.
  • On local inquiry, it was learned that trucks carrying cement from factories and local trucks carrying crushed aggregates are overloaded and appear to be the root cause of the observed distress.
  • The project corridor’s climate is moderate and falls within the low rainfall zone.
  • The Corridor passes through rolling terrain and less-populated suburban areas.
  • The project achieved COD (commercial operation date). The project began its commercial operations on 01.01.20xx and has been operational for over 5 years.
  • Hence, pursuant to procedures laid down in Clause 2.6.1 of Article A and Article I of the CA, an order needs to be applied.
  • The concessionaire has carried out the Benkelman Beam Deflection Survey, and the results are satisfactory and within the limit.
  • Thus, it was agreed with the Highway Authority that 40 mm of BC would be laid for overlaying.
  • Approval for the bituminous mix design submission has been granted to the concessionaire by the Highway Authority.
  • The concessionaire has now begun laying BC on Main Carriageway and SDBC on Service Road.
  • An independent engineer is supervising the construction of BC. We noticed that the concessionaire is laying 40mm BC without fixing the levels.
  • Hence, we are concerned that unevenness or undulations on the existing BC surface may reappear or reflect over the new BC overlay.
  • It is advisable to use the paver laying method’s moving reference control as explained in Para of Chapter 6, “Road Building Plants and Equipment,” of MoRT&H’s “Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Works.”
  • The presence of excess fines during the BC overlay was mentioned to the concessionaire. These fines could put stress on the newly laid BC overlay.
  • Hence, it is advised to check the effective functioning of the bag house of the hot mix plant. And, if the problem still persists, the mix design may be suitably modified.
  • As the BC is laid over the existing surface, the curb’s height will decrease.
  • Hence, the height of the kerb needs to be suitably increased to maintain the minimum height of the kerb. The concessionaire may please be requested to submit the methodology for raising the height of the curb.
  • As per Clause 4.3.2(ii), recycling of existing crust using milling as an option can be explored by the concessionaire to maintain the FRL at the same level while laying overlay.
  • Observing the onset of the upcoming monsoon, it is advisable to plan the BC in a proper way to ensure a smooth and workmanlike manner without disruption of traffic.
  • Furthermore, given the approaching monsoon period, it’s advisable to complete all protection works. The activities, like
  • The removal of waste material dumped within the ROW
  • Restoration of earthen drains.
  • Shoulder preparation,
  • Cleaning of CD structures,
  • Repair and maintenance of protection works, if required, etc.
  • We might ask the concessionaire to provide pre-monsoon inspection reports.
  • As per Clause of Schedule, “L” pavement marking will be carried out soon after the overlay or renewal coat. It is from a safety point of view.


Kindly take note of the pavement specialist inspection report observations mentioned above. The Highway Authority should receive updates on the progress of the work and implement appropriate measures. The concessionaire received instructions to take the necessary actions.

Thank you for ensuring our best services.

[Insert the name of the authorised person].

A Note to the Visitor about Pavement specialist inspection report:

Make sure to implement the necessary changes to the current contractual terms. Write a letter that aligns with the terms outlined in the concession agreement applicable to the particular project.

Also read the BI and BBD letters, as well as the NSV Report Letter: Request for Program, Submission, Review of Observations, and Comments.

You can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

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