Review on Erection and Launching Method

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Review comments on Girder erection and launching method

Content Brief:

Review on erection and launching method: This content pertains to the review comments and recommendations on erection & launching method statement.  These observations were made by the IE following the concessionaire’s submission of the erection & launching method statement document. And notify to the concessionaire through letter. The details and letters contain the following information summary:

  • Erection & launching method statement submission.
  • Review observations on the erection & launching method statement document.
  • The observations, including the clarification and justification needed elements.
  • Placement of T girder in launching Truss.
  • Sketches of the launching girder cross sections
  • Safety manual for launching scheme
  • Personnel deployment and training specific to erection
  • Request for attendance of responsible and authorized person at work site for  coordination
  • Additionally, missing proposals that are not consistent with the submission of the following. Also as a sample brief about the importance and need for such missing elements.
  • Finally, provide IE feedback in line with the review.

   Review on erection and launching method

Letter on Review observations and Comments on erection and launching method statement.

Here’s a sample format for a letter on review observations on a submitted erection & launching method statement document.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Comments on Method Statement for the Erection and Launching of Superstructure and Design of Launching Struss for Major Bridge Km 17+400 from the Senior Bridge Design Engineer, I.E-Reg

Dear Sir,

With reference to the review of drawings and Designs of Method Statement for the Erection & Launching of Superstructure and Launching Struss for Major bridge Km. 17+400 in the Project Highway our Sr. Bridge Design Engineer has reviewed the drawings and designs and consecutively made his observations:-

  • From the sketches it appears that Super T-Girder to be launched will be place centrally within the Launching Struss. Will this not infringe with the bottom Horizontal bracing? Please submit reply.
  • Provide sketches of the Cross- Section of Launching Girder with and without the Super T in place.

So, you are being instructed to comply his recommendations for our necessary certifications.

Thanking you,

Letter on compliance report submit by the Concessionaire on notified review observations and comments of erection and launching method statement.

The following is a review reply correspondence of the independent engineer upon the compliance report.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations and recommendations on method statement of erection and launching statement followed by the compliance report submission-reg

Dear Sir,

With references to the review of Clarifications on drawings and Designs of Method Statement for the Erection & Launching of Superstructure and Launching Struss for Major bridge at Km.17+400 in the Project Highway our Sr. Bridge Design Engineer has reviewed the drawings and designs and consecutively made his observations:-

  • Concessionaire has to Prepare a safety Manual as outlined in Para 1.3 of the method Statement.
  • Personnel deployed for erection should be properly briefed on operating and safety procedures.
  • A senior Engineer of the Concessionaire familiar with the erection scheme should be at site during operations.

So, you are being instructed to comply his recommendations for our necessary certifications.

Thanking you

Note to a visitor about the letter on Review on erection and launching method

It is that a few important and mandatory aspects are only discussed herewith. Kindly note that the above Review observations and comments on erection & launching method statement of Girders at river bridge are considered examples. You may adopt the gist of the subject and change it to suit the current need. And before using this content in your letter  drafting, you need to ensure the specific CA Contractual conditions and other aspects, etc.

It is suggested to read article about Review comments on canal bridge drawingsReview on major bridge GAD drawings on Highway project

Also, read about the highway Review observations on MNB drawings and site Instruction letter on structure construction works. 

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

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