Review on Highway Material Mix Design

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Review Observations on Highway Material Mix Designs

  • Review on Highway Material Mix Design: This content pertains to the review observations on various highway material mix designs.

  • These observations of IE follow the concessionaire’s submission of the material mix design, incorporation of sources, and test results.

  • These mix designs were prepared in-house by the contractor or a third-party test laboratory. And notify the concessionaire through a letter about the IE findings and observations.

  • The following content briefs the procedure of concessionaire or contractor obligation about the job mix design preparation and getting approval from the independent engineer.

  • It also contains the various sample review observation letters on material mix design.

About job mix design and its approval procedure pattern for highway material

  • Job mix design is a recipe for one or more materials to produce a conforming product. It is in accordance with prescribed standards and contract conditions.

  • Such designs must be developed by the EPC contractor, checked by the concessionaire, and approved by the IE.

  • Job mix designs are required for various grades of cement concrete, GSB, WMM, bituminous concrete, etc. The approval process is as follows:

  • The EPC contractor submits his proposed design to Concessionaire & IE together with a Request for Inspection.

  • The material engineer of the concessionaire and IE will check, make any tests, recommend, and sign the certificate of tests.

  • The EPC contractor may then be instructed to demonstrate its adequacy by filing trails.

  • The concessionaire or IE may specify trial sections of required length and width at specified locations.

  • Further trials may be required until the concessionaire and IE are confident that the EPC contractor can achieve the required results.

  • On approval, permanent work may be started.

 Review on Highway Material Mix Design

Review Observations on Highway Material Mix Design letters

The following are the sample review observations of Independent Engineer on highway material mix design of various materials.

Review Observations on GSB Mix Design letter


The Concessionaire,

Subject: Review observations on GSB Mix design-reg.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the GSB Mix Design for Section 3, we would like to inform you that the following are our observations:.

1. Stone Quarry approval-related documents are not being submitted.

2. The CBR Report is not enclosed.

3. The water absorption report is not enclosed.

These are for your information and necessary compliance.

Thanking you

Review Observations on WMM Mix Design letter-3



The Concessionaire,

Subject: Review observations on WMM Mix design-reg.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the wet mix macadam mix design for our review, we have reviewed the same and would like to inform you that we have found the following deficiencies:.

1. NOC for stone quarry not yet submitted

2. Test reports are not witnessed by the independent engineer representative.

3. Methodology for earth work (GSB and WMM) is not yet submitted.

Hence, we are not in a position to accept the wet mix macadam designs.

Thanking you


Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the Wet Mix Macadam Mix Design approval, we have reviewed the same and have got no objection in using the same with materials from XXXX Crusher of Sec-1.

Joint sampling and testing of WMM material are to be done as per MORTH frequencies and specifications.

 This is for your information and necessary compliances.

Thanking you

Review Observations on DBM Mix Design letter-6

Case-1: Letter on No objection in accepting Dense Bituminous Macadam Mix Design


The Concessionaire,

Subject: No objection in accepting the Mix Design for DBM for Section-4- Reg.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the Dense graded Bituminous Macadam Grade-II Mix Design for section 4 of the Project Highway for review, we have finally reviewed the same after getting further updates from your end, and have got no objection in accepting the same but, it is strictly related with following sources of aggregate.

1. Aggregates must be from xxxx stone quarry.

2. VG-30 Bitumen from HPCL (Vizag) is to be used here exclusively.

This is a provisional acceptance before submission of trial patch reports only.

Thanking you,

Case-2: Independent Engineer Comments on Dense Bituminous Macadam Mix Design

Subject: Dense Bituminous Macadam Mix Design (Gr-ii) for Section- 3.

Ref: Your Letter submission

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the dense graded Bituminous Macadam Gr.2 Mix Design for section-3 of the Project Highway for review. The mix design can be reviewed and noted that you have submitted two different trail mix designs with varied bitumen contents.

Please conduct another trail mix designs as per guidance by our SQME, and submit the final Mix design report for our review.

Thanking you,

Review Observations on Bituminous Macadam Mix Design letter-4


The Concessionaire,

Case-1: Subject: Review observations on Bituminous Macadam Mix design-reg.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above submission, related to the Bituminous Macadam Mix Design & Methodology for our review, we have reviewed the same and would like to intimate you that, we have no objection in accepting the same, but it is strictly related with following sources only.

1. Aggregates to be procured only from approved Quarry.

2. Only VG-30 grade bitumen are to be procured form approved refinery. (name of the refinery)

These are for strict compliances only.

Case-2: Subject: Review observations on Bituminous Macadam Mix design-reg.

With reference to your submission related to the Bituminous Concrete Mix Design for section – 4 of the Project Highway for review, we have reviewed the same and have got the following objections.

  1. The Mix Design has not been authenticated by representatives of IE as well as PMC.
  2. As per the approved methodology of BC in Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), and other codal provisions modified Bitumen should be used in BC Mix Design.
  3. As per section 509.2.1 of MoRTH, the Grade of Bitumen shall be selected based on manual for Construction and Supervision Bituminous Works. As per Table 2.5 of Bituminous Manual, 35 Grade of Penetration Bitumen is recommended for Traffic between 10 to 30 MSA in maximum temperature more than 40°C and minimum temperature greater than 20°C. If Traffic is more than 30 MSA, one grade harder Grade of penetration grade Bitumen should be used in BC Mix Design instead of VG-30 grade bitumen. In view of the above, the Concessionaire is advised to revise the Mix Design by using modified bitumen of PMB 40 and submit the same for approval.

Hence we are not in a position to accept the above said Mix Design.

Thanking you,

Review Observations on Concrete Mix Design letter-5


The Concessionaire,

Case 1: Subject: Concrete Mix design, section-ii-reg.

With reference to your above letters and the documents submitted by you, the same have been scrutinized by us and we would like to intimate you, that we have no objection, vide the previsions in clause 1008 of MoRT&H, IVth revision, if you use the following Concrete Mix Design, as of now.

SNo Trial Mix No Grade Cement Brand Admixers Cement content (Kgs) W/C % Adm % Source of coarse aggregate Source of fine aggregate
1 34 M-35 *(Pile)


Raasi OPC 53 Grade


ShaliPlast SP431








EPC’s stone crusher


Krishna river& crusher dust


To be used in the cast in situ bored piles in Krishna Bridge

This acceptance is on provisional basis, as you have to offer the same for IE’s checking of regular mixes continuously.

Thanking you,


The Concessionaire,

Case-2: Subject: Review observations on Concrete Mix Design for Sec. III-Reg.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above submission, related to the concrete mix design for our review, we have reviewed the same and would like to inform you that we have found the following deficiencies:

1. NOC for stone quarry (coarse aggregate) not yet submitted.

2. 28-day cube strength results were not submitted.

3. Some mix design was not witnessed by any IE representative.

Hence, we are not in a position to accept it.

Thanking you

Review Observations on Dry Lean Concrete Mix Design letter-6


The Concessionaire

Subject: Dry Lean Concrete Mix Design for Section-III.

Ref: Your Letter Submission

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above letters and the document submitted by you, the same has been scrutinized by us and we would like to intimate you, that we have no objection if you use the following Dry Lean Concrete Mix Designs, as of now.

S. No


Trial Mix No.




Cement Brand


Cement content





Source of coarse aggregate

Source of fine aggregate
1 56




Sagar OPC 53 Grade







XX stone Quarry


XX river

This acceptance is on provisional basis, as you have to check the mixes continuously in presence of IE’s representatives only.

Thanking you

Note to a visitor about the Review on Highway Material Mix Design

It is that a few important and mandatory aspects are only discussed herewith. Kindly note that the above review observations on mix designs are considered examples. You may adopt the gist of the subject and change it to suit the current need. And before using this content in your letter drafting, you need to ensure the specific CA Contractual conditions and other aspects, etc.

It is suggested to read article about Letter on defective embankment construction works on Highway project

Also, read about the highway Improper bituminous construction works and Highway inspection of Independent Engineer following heavy rain. 

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQ’s related to Review on Highway Material Mix Design

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