Road Maintenance In Construction Phase

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Existing Road Maintenance In Construction Phase

Content brief:

  • The following content explains the criteria for existing road maintenance in construction phase or period.
  • It talks about the concessionaire’s responsibilities relating to existing maintenance during construction.
  • The text even consists of a letter exchange between the IE and concessionaire about the titled subject.
  • The letter summarizes various instances of the existing road’s deficient condition in relation to safety.
  • And provides road user safety issues with comprehensive description of fault along with site image

Existing Road Maintenance In Construction Phase

Contractual provisions about the Existing road maintenance in construction phase

The concessionaire holds specific obligations related to the maintenance of existing roads as laid out in the CA. These are outlined in clause 12.2 of the CA. Here are the contractor’s obligations relating to the existing road during construction:

  • The concessionaire, on their own dime and time, needs to observe, execute, and maintain the project highway. This includes and doesn’t detract from the responsibilities mentioned in this agreement.
  • Here’s a small brief about the concessionaire what they need to do regard:
  1. Throughout the construction period, the concessionaire must be responsible for maintaining the project site. This includes the existing two lanes of the Project Highway. This is proposed for bypass as part of the scope of highway construction, at its own cost and expense.
  2. During the construction phase of the project highway, the concessionaire, if required, will change, repair, restore, and make improvements to the existing two lanes. This activity must be completed before the expiry of six months from the commencement date.
  3. So that the existing road follows the requirements as specified in Schedule ‘L of the CA.’ Also, at least two  lanes of the Project Highway are ordinarily open to traffic at all times.
  4. The concierge should quickly handle any needed repairs or maintenance tasks. This is to keep the project highway in good shape for use. They must make sure it’s safe for all during the construction phase.
  5. The conference is expected to divert traffic.
  6. If necessary, the concessionaire has to halt and redirect traffic at their own expense. This is necessary for the orderly continuation of construction work in line with industry standards.
  7. Dive­rting and rerouting traffic by concessionaire can only be permitted with prior approval in written form from the independent engineer. This agreement should be given without any unreasonable delay.
  8. Please do not forget that the concessionaire is responsible for keeping the project highway safe at all times.

Case-1: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase

Here is an example letter on Road Maintenance In Construction Phase. It is in the form of an instruction to the concessionaire on the subject matter subject to the provisions of CA. It was written to the concessionaire for the necessary actions and deeds. This request is made as per the contractual provisions of the concession agreement.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Need for immediate maintenance of the existing condition of the project highway-Reg

Dear Sir,

Since, as per the provisions of clause 12.2 of the CA, you have to undertake the maintenance of the existing road during the construction period. During our recent project site inspections, we found certain sections that needed immediate attention. Chainage-wise, comprehensive details are as follows:.

1. From km. 0+000 to 10+000

Need for immediate maintenance of the existing condition of the project highway

  • A new carriageway is being constructed here next to the existing carriageway.
  • As per the plan approved herein, the existing carriageway is retained and serves as two lanes in a four-lane highway structure.
  • Currently, traffic movement is bi-directional on the existing or old road.
  • We noticed that the earthen shoulder of this existing road is damaged.
  • The rainwater gets stagnated in these damaged portions, resulting in safety concerns.
  • Actions need to be taken to rectify these damages on earthen shoulders.
  • And reinstate it to trafficable condition.

2. From km. 15+000 to 18+000

  • At this location, reconstruction is proposed as per CA.
  • We noticed major pavement distress in this section, and it was difficult to ride on.
  • Keeping in view the monsoons, immediate repair work should be done on the damaged parts.

3. From km. 22+000 to 24+000

  • Dust pollution occurs due to construction activities at this location.
  • Measures must be taken to minimize the generation of dust at the construction site.
  • This is to create a safe environment for workers as well as existing road users.
  • Also, all activities leading to dust pollution in the areas are carried out with necessary dust suppression by adequate water sprinkling.

4. From km. 42+000 to 48+000

  • According to the CA, this specific length has been proposed for the bypass.
  • The construction of the bypass is currently in progress at this location. and the project highway traffic runs on an existing road.
  • It is observed that no maintenance activities are seen on this length.
  • Necessary measures shall be put in place to maintain traffic worthiness and permit safe traffic operations.

Further, we would like to request that you prepare a detailed maintenance plan with contingencies for the monsoon period, especially, and submit the same to us for our information.

Thanking you

Case-2: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase


The Concessionaire

Subject: Maintenance during Construction Period-Reg

Reference: Case-1 Above cited

Dear Sir,

With reference to our abovementioned letter and clause 12.2 of the Concession Agreement, nothing has been done from your end to maintain the project, since commencement of the work.

The condition of the Project Highway, specifically from km.0+00 to 10+000, is in utterly bad shape and in many patches there are no existences of the Highway.

Under this circumstance and since the Monsoon in almost going to be set in, you are once again being reminded to take up the maintenance work on priority basis,

Thanking you,

Case-3: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase


The Concessionaire

Subject: Reminder notice to concessionaire about the existing road maintenance during Construction Period-Reg

Dear Sir,

Time and again, we are reminding you, that you are violating the provision of clause, numbering 12.2 of the Concession Agreement, in taking up the maintenance work, extremely required due to the miserable condition of the Project Highway.

It is absolutely your responsibility to maintain the Project Highway both in construction and concession periods and non-compliance of this obligation is putting the users in inconvenient condition with increasing accidents.

So, once again you are being instructed to start the repair work with top geared efficiency, before the Monsoon finally set in.

This is for immediate compliances,

Thanking you,

Case-4: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase


The Concessionaire

Subject: Maintenance at the Project Highway-Reg.

Ref: our Letter: As above

Dear Sir,

In spite of our several instructions both in verbal and in black and white, the maintenance of the Project Highway in package 1 and 2 i.e. chainage from  km.0+000  to 60+000 are far from the requirements (The detailed list are being enclosed here with as ready references). From To Remarks
1 10+000 10+500 Pot holes
2 14+200 14+800 Patch works
3 18+500 18+750 Spillage
4 21+600 22+00 Severe rutting
-do- Etc.,

Under this circumstance, we would further like to instruct you to complete the maintenance works for package1 and 2, in earliest possible time.

This is for immediate compliances

Thanking you,

Case-5: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase


The Concessionaire

Subject: Maintenance of existing Corridor- Reg.

Dear Sir.

Time and again, we would like to highlight the issue related to the maintenance of the existing corridor.

As you know, that, the upkeepment of the existing corridor is not only a continuous process. But also a prime obligation for you as per the provisions of Concession Agreement.

So you are being instructed to take the maintenance of the existing part of the Project Highway on the basis of war footing, according to the attached list and inform us within a fortnight

SI.NO Chainage from To Patch length (mt)
1 15+100 15+500 400
2 21+500 22+300 800
3 -do- -do- -do-

This is for your immediate Compliances only.

Thanking you.

Case-6: Letter on Existing Road Maintenance in Construction Phase


The Concessionaire

Subject: Violation of Concessionary Clause 13.5 page 48 of Concession Agreement Part-1-Reg.

Dear Sir.

In spite of our Repeated Reminders for Maintenance of the Existing Carriage way for the last three Weeks, you have not taken up any action for the Maintenance of the Existing Carriageway.

We will be forced or revoke contract Agreement clause no 13.5 (Suspension of Unsafe Construction Works) without further notice.

Thanking you

A Note to the Visitor on existing road maintenance in the construction phase

Kindly note that the above mentioned contractual terms about the Concessionaire obligations on existing road maintenance are stem from a 2022–2024 DBFOT project’s CA. under the PPP mode.

So, make sure to make the necessary adjustments to align current contractual terms with the specific project’s CA.

Suggested to read about the permission for check posts on highway

And repair procedure of highway elements

Also, read about the observations, comments, and recommendations of the independent engineer regarding the applicant’s or third party’s request for the establishment of check posts or points on the highway.

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQ’s related to existing road maintenance during the construction phase


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