Use of material from unauthorised source

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Use of material from unauthorised source

Content Brief

  • The following content pertains to the highway project construction works quality assurance.

  • It contains the IE’s findings on use of material from unauthorised sources for construction works of the project highway.

  • These are with particular reference to provisions of material source as per Schedule D of CA and MoRT&H specifications.

  • This includes a letter of notice to the concessionaire by the IE about the subject. I.e., use of sub-base and sub-grade material from unauthorised sources for construction works.

  • Also, it highlights the gist of the provisions of material source approval as per Schedule D of CA.

Use of material from unauthorised sources

Site instruction letter on use of subgrade and sub-base material from unauthorised source


The concessionaire

Subject: Site instruction on use of material from unauthorised source-Reg

Reference: Various site instructions issued on subject matter as of.

Dear Sir,

Please refer to all our above-mentioned letters, and contrary to all these objections, you are still using materials from unauthorised sources in some of the patches of the Project Highway.

The use of such unauthorised materials for road construction significantly affects the quality of construction from standards perspectives. Which violate the provisions of Schedule D of the Concession Agreement. As well as the provisions of the approved quality assurance plan for the project highway.

Hence, you are once again being cautioned to stop these malpractices to avoid stern actions from our end.

Note: The gist of the provisions of material source approval as per Schedule D of CA and QAP are as follows: This is highlighted herewith for your ready reference and immediate implementation.

This is for immediate implementation only.

Thanking you.

Provisions of material source approval as per Schedule D of CA

  • According to the CA, the materials used for the construction of the project highway should conform to the standards and specifications.
  • Due to the diversity of manufactured, processed, and natural materials, approval of source is required.

  • Each source requires a separate form for approval. No material shall be used without the official approval of an independent engineer.

  • All materials must be identifiable and physically identifiable at all times.

  • The borrow materials of subgrade and sub-base required for completion of the project works, location of borrow sites, and details of extraction methods shall be submitted by the concessionaire/contractor to the engineer for his concurrence.

  • The submission to the engineer shall include the following as minimum requisite necessary approvals, licenses, terms, and conditions for extracting or obtaining material from the relevant statutory authorities and landowners responsible for the area where the proposed borrowing area is located.

  • Written clearance from the landowner/village head shall be obtained before leaving a site from which borrow material has been extracted.

  • Copies of such clearances shall be provided to the engineer prior to the issuance of the taking-over certificate.

  • Where the concessionaire or contractor intends to operate his own quarries, whether it be for obtaining naturally occurring materials or manufacturing products, it will be the responsibility of the concessionaire or contractor to obtain the necessary approvals and licenses from the relevant authorities, and subsequent operations will be in accordance with the requirements of these authorities.

Note to a visitor about Use of material from unauthorised source

It is that a few important and mandatory aspects are only discussed herewith. Kindly note that the above inspection observations about the use of subgrade and sub-base material form unauthorized or noon approved sources for construction of Highway are considered examples. You may adopt the gist of the subject and change it to suit the current need. And before using this content in your letter drafting, you need to ensure the specific CA Contractual conditions and other aspects, etc.

It is suggested to read article about Site instruction on faulty embankment construction on Highway project

Also, read about the highway Improper bituminous construction works and traffic diversion plans on the highway. 

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

FAQ’s related to Use of material from unauthorised sources

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