Review Observations on Highway Material Source Approval

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Review Observations on Highway Material Source Approval

Review observations on source approvals: This content pertains to the review observations on various highway material source approvals. These observations of IE follows the concessionaire’s submission of the material source and test results. These tests were conducted in-house by the contractor or a third-party test laboratory. And notify the concessionaire through a letter about the IE findings and observations.

About the Processes of Material Source Approval in Highway Projects

The material supplier must confirm that he is fully aware of the contract requirements of the project highway. And he can supply the material in accordance with. A synopsis of the material “Pathway” is

  • The concessionaire obtains source approval; the IE is informed of proposed potential suppliers.

  • Other necessary documentation is to be obtained and provided.

  • Material arrives “on site”—an established procedure implemented by the EPC contractor or concessionaire.

  • Material goes to the work site; established procedures are implemented by the EPC contractor or concessionaire.

About the material approval procedure for highway projects

No materials will be used without the formal approval of the independent engineer. All materials approved must be traceable and physically locatable at all times. Approval of construction materials shall be based on the following:.

Test reports for materials
  • The tests may be done at the site laboratory, at the manufacturer’s premises, or at an independent testing laboratory.

  • Tests must be conducted by the contractor in the presence of the independent engineer.

  • Manufacture’s certificates of approved suppliers for certain materials, such as steel, cement, and admixtures.

The procedure for approval may be as follows:
  • The EPC contractor shall submit the method statement for the use of the material to the concessionaire for consideration.

  • Thereafter, it is submitted to the IE, incorporating the concessionaire’s comments.

  • The EPC contractor or concessionaire will request that the IE give them time to arrange for suitable inspection and testing.

  • The IE will inspect and test the material in accordance with all relevant codes, standards, specifications, and regulations.

  • Additional information may be requested from the concessionaire or EPC contractor before the inspection and test can be completed.

  • On successful completion of the inspection and test, approval will be given by the IE. Approval may include further conditions.

  • All materials approved must be physically identifiable and traceable at all times.

Review observations on source approval letter

The following are the sample review observations on various highway material source approvals.

Review observations on source approval of cement

Case-1: Source approval of cement


The Concessionaire

Subject: Subject: Source approval of cement

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission and the test results accompanied, the cement has been reviewed by us, and we found that the following deficiencies are in your submission:.

1. A factory visit has to be done.

2. Your in-house laboratory test reports are not enclosed.

3. Manufacturer’s test reports are not enclosed.

4. The cement manufacturer’s brochure and detailed information related to their uses in nationally reputed projects are not being provided.

So, you are being requested to submit the above reports as soon as possible for early disposal of the matter.

Thanking you,

Case-2 : Source approval of cement subject too comply the certain conditions


With reference to your above letters and the document submitted by you, the same have been scrutinized by us and we would like to intimate you, that we have no objection if you procure cement from xxxxx Cements Ltd, and xxxxx Cements Ltd.

However in this connection we would like to instruct you to comply the following:

  1. Manufacture’s test certificate must be submitted for every consignment.
  2. Test must be carried out for each consignment received at site and comply with MORT&H, IS and IRC specifications.
  3. Joint sampling of material must be done with our representative for conformity test at independent laboratory.

Thanking you

Review observations on source approval of steel

Case-1 (Approval): Source approval of XX and XX ltd steel-reg.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on source approval of steel

Dear Sir,

The testing reports, which were sent to us via the above-referred letters with third-party laboratory results for TMT reinforcement bars, have been reviewed by us. Based on the results, we accept your proposal to procure

(a) SHYAM Steel Industries Ltd., Kolkata (TMT reinforcement bars),

(b) JSW Severfield Structures Limited (TMT reinforcement bars).

(c) SAIL Thermex TMT reinforcement bars,

(d) Tata Tiscon-reinforced bars

(e) RINL Thermex TMT reinforcement bars.

Final approval for acceptance of the products for use in the permanent works of the project shall be given, subject to the following conditions:.

  1. On receipt of material at the site, RFI shall be raised for sampling and testing against each lot bearing a specific number . with details of source, lot size, and diameter of bars, and enclosed with manufacturer test certificates and a delivery note. A necessary sample shall be drawn from each lot and tested for confirmation of the quality of the material in our presence in an independent laboratory. Acceptance of material and its use on the site shall be subjected to acceptable conformity test results.

  2. Each consignment of steel confirms IS 1786-1985.

  3. Reinforcement steel shall be stored as per Section 1603 of MoRT&H.

  4. Only new steel will be delivered to the site.

  5. Every bar shall be inspected before assembly, and defective, brittle, or burned bars shall be discarded.

Thanking you,

Case-2 (Rejected) Subject: Source approval of XX and XX ltd steel-reg.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on source approval of steel

Dear Sir,

We have reviewed the documents submitted for the source approval for M/s xx Steel and following are our observations:-

  • Submitted credentials do not prove that the material is being used in any similar projects of similar magnitude.
  • Attached test reports are not from the NABL accredited laboratories.
  • Test results from the manufacture’s laboratory are also not being provided.

Hence, we are not in a position to provide any no objection for procuring materials from xx Steel.

Thanking you

Case-3 : Source approval of steel subject too comply the certain conditions


The Concessionaire

Subject:-Review observations and Source approval of steel subject too comply the certain conditions– Reg.

Dear Sir,

The testing reports and other requisite testimonials, which were sent to us vide above referred letters, and through presentation of the concerned company. After detailed investigations of submitted credentials and other scrutinies, we have found that the billets are being procured from SAIL Durgapur Plant. With third party laboratory results for TMT reinforcement bars have been reviewed by us. Based on the above findings we accept your proposal to procure TMT bars from SRMB SRIJAN LIMITED, subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. On receipt of material at the site RFI must be raised for sampling and testing against each consignment, bearing specific, with details of source lot size, dia of bars, manufacturer’s test certificates and delivering note. Necessary sample shall be drawn from each lot and shall be tested for reconfirmation of quality of material in our presence in an independent laboratory. Acceptance of material and its use at the site shall be subjected to acceptable conformity test results.
  2. Each consignment of steel confirm of IS 1786-1985,
  3. Reinforcement steel shall be stored as per sections 1603 of MoRT&H.
  4. Only new steel shall be delivered to the site.
  5. Every bars shall be inspected before assembling in the work and defective, brittle or Burnt bars will be rejected.
  6. The IE can recheck the above source factory any time and review the same, if necessary.

Thanking you

Case-4 : Source approval of steel rom SUL


The Concessionaire

Subject:- Steel source from SUL Steel Pvt. -Reg

Ref: Your Letter submission


With reference to your submission, we have reviewed as per as per point No 1, schedule D, page 240 of concession agreement and following are our comments

  1. We noticed that the Thermex license was in the name of SRMB Udyog Limited and most of credentials submitted by you in the name of SRMB srijan Ltd.
  2. It makes confusion for maintaining records, as we have already reviewed 7 nos steel sources as on date. Please give reasons for getting materials from this source.
  3. You have not submitted neither billets& ingots source details nor any detail in support of the material coming from this source was primary producer.

This is for your information and compliance.

Thanking you.

Review observations on source approval of sand quarries

Case-1: Found deficiencies in submission


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on source approval of sand quarries

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above letters and the test results for the sand quarry of the XX River at XX village submitted by you, we have reviewed them and found the following deficiencies:.

1. Clay content test; results not included.

2. Water absorption and specific gravity test results are not included.

3. A location map for the sand quarry on the Krishna River is not being provided.

So, you are being requested to submit the above reports as soon as possible for early disposal of the matter.

Thanking you

Case-2 (Approval): Source approval of sand quarry-reg.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on source approval of sand quarries

Dear Sir,

With reference to your submission related to the Sand Quarry approval, we have reviewed the same and have no objection to using the same from:

(a) XX river at XX village

(b) XX river at XX village.

Subject to the following conditions:

(1) A test should be carried out for each truck load received at the site, and the results must comply with specifications.

(2) Joint sampling and testing of material with our representatives as per the required frequency must be done.

Thanking you,

Review observations on water sources for Section II.


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on water sources

Dear Sir,

With reference to your above letters and the test results for the water submitted by you, we have reviewed them and found that the water samples can be suitably used for the concrete works for this project.

Thanking you,

Review observations on source approval of stone quarry


The Concessionaire

Subject: Review observations on source approval of stone quarry


With reference to your submission related to the stone quarry approval, we have reviewed the same and have no objection to using the same from the following quaries:

Subject to the following conditions:

1. Submit a copy of the NOC for blasting operations before the commencement of mining.

2. Submit quarry operation methodologies.

3. The lease agreement for item ‘e’ must be submitted to us.

These are for your information and necessary compliance.

Thanking you,

Note to a visitor about the review observations on source approval of highway material

It is that a few important and mandatory aspects are only discussed herewith. Kindly note that the above review observations are considered examples. You may adopt the gist of the subject and change it to suit the current need. And before using this content in your letter drafting, you need to ensure the specific material, other aspects, etc.

Also suggested to Read the following

Bituminous material source approval letter

Road material Source approval letter.

Road Safety material approval letter

Construction chemicals approval letters

Bridge material source approval letters

You can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance.

Additionally, you can find various sample draft formats for highway construction.

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