Letter on Road Safety During Construction

Written by Team Highway Correspondence

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Table of Contents

Letter on Traffic control and Road safety during highway project construction

Safety During Highway Construction
  • Letter on Road Safety During Construction: It outlines the responsibilities of the concessionaire in maintaining the traffic and safety of the highway during the construction phase.
  • The following content is about traffic control and safety during highway project construction. It outlines the concessionaire’s responsibilities in maintaining the traffic and safety of the highway during the construction phase.
  • This includes a letter of notice to the concessionaire by the IE about the issues on the subject. The letter summarizes various instances of inadequate safety and contrary measures.
  • The independent engineer has suggested these measures based on his discretion and experience. These measures also comply with the IRC specifications and standards. As per CA terms of references, it is an obligation of IE to review and suggest safety measures.
  • Also, it provides comprehensive details of various safety issues along with a photographic presentation.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction

The contractual provisions regarding traffic control and safety during highway project construction

  • Under the provisions of the CA, the concessionaire has specific responsibilities to control traffic and safety while constructing roads. Schedule D of the contract agreement lays out these responsibilities as follows:
  • The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction. Such as
  • Provision, erection, and maintaining rigid barricades; This includes traffic signs, road markings, color flags, and LED lights. And traffic marshals and flagmen.
  • All these safety measures are to provide for site requirements and circumstances. These measures will safeguard the traffic in the work zone section. Also, highway traffic is approaching or passing through the ORK zone section.
  • The provision of all these safety measures becomes part of the work. And these measures must be in accordance with the MoRT&H specifications and IRC guidelines.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction Case-1:

Letter on Issues Related to Traffic Control and Safety in construction

Here is an example letter on traffic control and safety during the construction of the project highway. The letter addresses issues related to traffic control and safety during the construction of the project highway. The letter serves as an instruction to the concessionaire on the subject matter, adhering to the provisions of the CA. We wrote it to inform the concessionaire of the required actions and deeds. This request is as per the contractual provisions of the concession agreement.


The concessionaire

Subject: Notice on Issues of Traffic Control and Safety During Highway Project Construction

Dear Sir,

Following a fatal accident on xx/xx/2024 in the work zone area of the Project Highway, we made a detailed visit from a safety point of view. We discovered irregularities on your end. The IE has made the following observations and suggested mitigation measures for safety issues:

Issue 1:Irregularities in the implementation of safety measures

Observed irregularities are subject to the implementation of necessary safety measures at construction work sites. These safety measures include provisional barricades, traffic signs, road markings, color flags, and LED lights. It is evident that the maintenance of these elements is not up to par.

According to the CA provisions (detailed above), the concessionaire bears the responsibility of providing the requisite safety at work zones according to the standards and specifications.

Issue 2: Unacceptable work procedures

As per our recent visits, we have found that you are excavating on both sides of the existing road. It includes an earthen shoulder part for the widening of portions of the main carriageway. This results in a restricted lane width for traffic, and it becomes a safety hazard.

In this connection, we would like to draw your immediate attention to the maintenance of safety in the excavated areas. Additionally, we advise you to steer clear of both sides of the excavation. At the same time, it’s important to complete the earthworks as soon as possible to prevent accidents.

Issue 3: Unscientific and non-standard sign board placement

Further, we observed unscientific and non-standard sign placement on work sites. These signs confuse and misguide the user.

You must remove all unscientific and non-standard signs from the site. You must strictly adhere to the IRC codes for the application of road signs.

Issue 4: Implementation of traffic management plans

We found the traffic management plans implemented in the construction zone to be unacceptable. This is because the traffic management plans implemented in the construction zone do not comply with the reviewed traffic management plans.

As observed,

  • The work zone does not receive the chicane arrangements in advance. That is before we approach the transition zone.
  • There are no suitable barricades to stop traffic from entering the work area.
  • We also observed the absence of the necessary two-way traffic sign, the overtaking prohibited sign, and the installation of the restriction end sign.

It shall be ensured to comply and provide the same for further works for the safe movement of traffic and to avert untoward incidents.

Issue 5: Reporting of Accidents and Incidents

We observed that the project highway lacks prominent and prompt reporting of accidents or incidents.

It is instructed that any accident or incident happening on the stretch shall be reported on an incident basis as soon as it happens. We monitor this follow-up action, which will also aid in future studies aimed at preventing it.

Issue 6: Inadequate Safety measures on cross road at Intersection built up

The necessary measures for cross-road junction development will be undertaken and implemented. The development of the cross-road junction is currently underway at kilometer 10.250.

It is important to make sure that the actions, such as the placement of appropriate barriers, signs, and flags, are subject to site circumstances.

The safety arrangements at the crossroads should be designed in such a way that

  • The cross-road vehicles go slowly.
  • Stop at the approach to MCW.
  • And watch the traffic movements on MCW.
  • Then enters traffic diversion safely.

Issue 7: Sight distance at work site of a major junction

  • Please make sure the diversion arrangement at major junction development work is intact and functioning as desired.
  • Also, make sure that alternates are available at any particular instance for traffic needs.
  • Also, it is advised that the beginning of merging and weaving of traffic at traffic diversions be much more conspicuously and strikingly made noticeable by the both-way traffic oncoming, so that there shall be no untoward incidents at constricted zones.

Issue 8: Hard barricades are replaced with flexible

The chicane barricade arrangements at the approach to the traffic diversion zone should have flexible barriers as specified in the submission or communication. Particularly, we should replace or overlay the rigid barricades at these locations with flexible ones, as required by lane closure periods.

Issue 9: Water stagnation on the pavement surface

This will expedite the actions necessary to address the water stagnation at the curb edge, in accordance with the site condition requirements. Vehicles splash this stagnant water, causing inconvenience to onlookers and worsening the pavement’s condition.

Issue 10: Construction debris has spilled onto the pavement surface

Construction debris has spilled onto the pavement surface. All work locations should keep the carriageway elements free from all construction debris and waste material to comply with the clean condition requirements of the project highway.


In this connection, we would like to draw your immediate attention to the maintenance of safety on work sites. You are instructed to incorporate suggested mitigation measures to comply with the above safety deficiency findings. Controlling traffic and ensuring safety during the construction of highway projects is crucial.

[Yours Sincerely,] [Insert the name of the authorised person].

Letter on Road Safety During Construction Case-2:

Reminder Letter on Issues Related to Traffic Control and Safety in Construction


The Concessionaire

Subject: Reminder letter on case-1 above cited

Dear Sir,

In spite of our several instructions, the issue related to the safety for the Project Highway is never being taken care of by you. The rates of accidents are going to be highest in the project Highway, as claimed by local newspapers.

Neither you have submitted any safety manual for our review, nor have you employed competent persons dedicated for the improvement of Project Highway’s safety.

Simultaneous, widening for both sides of the carriageway are in progress in most of the places upon the project Highway, without any caution boards or barricading.

Under this circumstance, we would like to serve you an ultimatum, for fifteen days, to improve the safety factor to IE’s satisfaction, otherwise we will have no options, but to recommend to the Highway Authority vide clause 13.5.1 of the Concession Agreement to suspend all Construction Works till the fulfillment of safety criteria’s.

CA Clause 13.5.1 Suspension of Unsafe Construction Works on project highway is provided here for your quick reference.

“Upon recommendation of the Independent-Engineer to this effect, the Government may by notice require the Concessionaire to suspend forthwith the whole or any part of the Construction Works if, in the reasonable opinion of the Government, such work threatens the safety of the Users and pedestrians.”

 This is to be complied with immediate effect

Thanking you,

The safety related implementations, along with erection of caution boards are to be done immediately.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction Case-3:

Traffic Control and Safety in Project Highway Construction


The Concessionaire

Subject: Traffic Control and Safety in Project Highway-Reg

Dear Sir,

Please refer to the under-mentioned clauses of the concession agreement.

1) Clause 5.3 of Schedule L. of CA

2) Sub clause D.5.3 of Clause 3 of Schedule D of CA

3) Sub clause 3.8 of attachment D1 of Schedule D of CA

iv) Attachment D10 of Schedule D of CA

With reference to the above-mentioned subject, despite several instructions, you are not improving the safety requirements at site. The list of locations where safety sign boards were required was attached in Annexure A.

The maintenance of traffic diversions at the following chainages is far below standards.

1. Ch. 10+250 to Ch. 10+500RHS

2. Ch. 19+500 to Ch. 19+600RHS


You are allowing traffic on part width of bituminous surface/WMM. You are instructed to divert the traffic on bituminous surfaces only.

Hence, time and again, please rectify your sagging safety standards with immediate effect.

Thanking you.

CA Provisions about Traffic Control and Safety in Project Highway

As per Clause 5.3 of Schedule L of CA, the concessionaire shall make adequate arrangements during the construction period for the safety of workers and road users in accordance with the guidelines of the IRC for safety in construction zones and notify the highway authority and the independent engineer about such arrangements.

Subclause D.5.3 of clause 3 of Schedule D of CA: The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction. And shall install and maintain such barricades, including traffic signs, road markings, flags, lights, and flagmen, as required and suggested by the engineer for the information and protection of approaching traffic or passing traffic through the section of the highways under construction.

As per MoSRT&H specification and IRC guidelines, the provision of traffic safety measures shall be considered incidental to work. All signs, barricades, and pavement markings shall be as per IRC specification. Before taking up construction on any section of the highway, a traffic control plan shall be devised to the satisfaction of the independent consultant.

Further, in Attachment D10 of Schedule D of CA, the traffic control zones must include the following fundamental principles:


(i) Make traffic safety an integral and high priority element of every project.

(ii) Avoid inhibiting traffic as much as possible.

{iii} Guide drivers in a clear and positive way

(iv) Perform routine inspection of traffic control elements and traffic operations.

(v) Give care and attention to roadside safety.


The primary traffic control devices used in work zones are signs, delineators, barricades, cones, pylons, pavement markings, and flashing lights. The following general rules should apply to all traffic control devices within the traffic control zone.

(i) Comprehension: All traffic control devices should be capable of being easily understood. A particular device must convey one and only one meaning. The tactile condition of the device aids comprehension.

(ii) Visibility and Stability: Devices should be within the cone of vision of the driver and be placed such that it allows adequate time at the average approach speed or the desired speed through the traffic control zone.

All traffic control devices should be clearly visible by day and night, at these speeds and under the usually prevailing climatic conditions. They should be kept properly aligned and legible at all times. Foliage or any other obstruction should not be allowed to impede the view of these devices, nor should wind, road dirt, or the like be allowed to obscure their faces. The traffic control devices must be able to resist and be rigid to withstand all environmental conditions, etc. of the running traffic; in no case should these act as rigid obstacles in the event of a collision.

(iii) Installation and Removal: All traffic control devices should be installed for the minimum required time.

Traffic control devices, by their nature, are a hindrance to the normal traffic flow and should be removed immediately after the need being met by these is fulfilled.

Existing devices like signs or lane markings should be removed during the temporary works and reinstated thereafter or covered while the temporary devices are in operation.


The road construction and maintenance signs fall into the same three major categories as do other traffic signs, that is, regulatory signs, warning signs, and direction (or guidance) signs.

Each sign should be well located so that its message is seen and is clear, which will be assisted if the surroundings are devoid of “unnecessary” signs‘ and other clutter. These signs should be of retro reflective sheets of high intensity grade or engineering grade depending upon the importance of the road as directed by the engineer.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction Case-4:

Traffic Control and Safety in Project Highway Construction


the Concessionaire

Subject:- Safety in Project Highway -reg

Dear Sir.

With reference to the above mentioned subject, despite several instructions you are not improving the safety requirements at site. The list of locations where safety and sign boards required, are given below. The Maintenance of traffic diversions at following chainages are below standards.

S.NO Chainage Side
From To
1 10+000 10+250 LHS
2 14+250 14+600 RHS
3 -do-

Hence, time and again, please rectify your safety standards, with immediate effect.

Thanking you.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction Case 5:

Inadequate safety measures at work site of Project Highway Construction



The Concessionaire

Dear sir

Subject:-Inadequate safety measures at work site of Project Highway Construction-reg.

Dear Sir,

Please refer to under mentioned clauses of the Concession Agreement:-

i) Clause 5.3 of Schedule L of CA.

ii) Sub clause D.5.3 of clause 3 of Schedule D of CA.

iii) Sub clause 3.8 of attachment D1 of Schedule D of CA.

iv) Attachment D10 of Schedule D of CA

We want to bring to your attention the following points regarding safety

We have noted inadequate Safety barricading, signages, markings, flags and flagmen at site. where it required

In spite several instructions you are still doing both side widening the road work simultaneously in many part of the Project Highway. Which will cause accident in your site

You have to ensure adequate safety arrangements for the workers working at Construction site particularly at Major Bridge @ Ch 17+400 for the workers working at higher level. Without safety. Measures

You are supposed to submit the detailed traffic control plans to the IE for their approval at least 5 days prior to start of work in any segments of the Project Highway. Which you never comply and for example DBM laying work in section-3 are in progress by diverting the traffic at your suo motu decisions.

This is for your immediate compliance

Thanking you


The maintenance of traffic diversions at following chainages are far below standards

  1. Ch.10+250 to ch.10+500RHS
  2. —do—

You are allowing traffic on part width of bituminous surface/WMM. You are instructed to divert the traffic on bituminous surface only.

Hence, time and again, please rectify your sagging safety standards, with immediate effect.

Thanking you.

A note to the Visitor on Letter on Road Safety During Construction

Please note that the concession agreement for the DBFOT project under the PPP mode serves as an example of the aforementioned contractual conditions. For the period 2016–2018,

Afterwards, make sure to make the necessary modifications to the existing contractual conditions. Write a letter that aligns with the concession agreement applicable to the particular project.

Also read the BI and BBD letters and the NSV Report Letter: Request for Programme, Submission, Review of Observations, and Comments.

You can find various sample draft formats for highway operation and maintenance correspondence.

Letter on Road Safety During Construction: FAQs

The team highway correspondence will update relevant FAQs shortly.

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